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Quotes / Beneath Suspicion

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Since this trope is usually related to important twists, all spoilers are unmarked in the quotes below. Beware!

Unlike other Infernalists, our Maggot seems humble and nondescript. Her magicks, if she has any, are subtle and slow, corrosive rather than forceful. Like a shadow, she fades into the background while more important folk make their plans. Envy guides her down the Path of Ruin - too many beatings or dismissals have driven her to demonic arms. Now she serves the Darkness wherever she goes. Her victims may dismiss her still, but the Maggot murders them from within, bite by bite, piece by piece...

"Have you ever noticed this—that people never answer what you say? They answer what you mean—or what they think you mean. Suppose one lady says to another in a country house, 'Is anybody staying with you?' the lady doesn't answer 'Yes; the butler, the three footmen, the parlourmaid, and so on,' though the parlourmaid may be in the room, or the butler behind her chair. She says 'There is nobody staying with us,' meaning nobody of the sort you mean. But suppose a doctor inquiring into an epidemic asks, 'Who is staying in the house?' then the lady will remember the butler, the parlourmaid, and the rest. All language is used like that; you never get a question answered literally, even when you get it answered truly. When those four quite honest men said that no man had gone into the Mansions, they did not really mean that no man had gone into them. They meant no man whom they could suspect of being your man. A man did go into the house, and did come out of it, but they never noticed him."
"An invisible man?" inquired Angus, raising his red eyebrows.
"A mentally invisible man," said Father Brown.
"Oh, I can't stand much more of this," exploded Flambeau. "Who is this fellow? What does he look like? What is the usual get-up of a mentally invisible man?"
"He is dressed rather handsomely in red, blue and gold," replied the priest promptly with precision, "and in this striking, and even showy, costume he entered Himylaya Mansions under eight human eyes; he killed Smythe in cold blood, and came down into the street again carrying the dead body in his arms——"
"Reverend sir," cried Angus, standing still, "are you raving mad, or am I?"
"You are not mad," said Brown, "only a little unobservant. You have not noticed such a man as this, for example."
He took three quick strides forward, and put his hand on the shoulder of an ordinary passing postman who had bustled by them unnoticed under the shade of the trees.
"Nobody ever notices postmen somehow," he said thoughtfully; "yet they have passions like other men, and even carry large bags where a small corpse can be stowed quite easily."
The Innocence of Father Brown, "The Invisible Man"

Demyx: WHAAA-
Vexen: (muffling him) Quiet, you dunce!
Demyx: But dude, why would you pick me?
Vexen: I cannot let the chosen catch wind of this, understand?
Demyx: Oh, I see! It's because I got benched!
Vexen: I got "benched", too!
Demyx: (muffling him) Hey, quiet!

Harry: You... no. It can't be. Snape, he- he was-
Quirrell: Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to him, who would suspect p-p-p-p-poor st-t-t-tuttering Professor Quirrell?

For some players, Volo's betrayal was an unexpected twist because [Pokémon Legends: Arceus's] entire story was structured as a man-versus-nature conflict, which went completely resolved without any hint of an actual main antagonist whatsoever. [...] The credits already rolled after you closed the rift, there are no new areas to explore, and Volo's plate search appears more like a post-game after-story akin to OR/AS's Delta Episode or Looker's stories in almost every game he appears in. For the entirety of the story, Volo well and truly is just a traveling merchant with a love for mythology. Sure, he might be Cynthia's ancestor, but practically everybody in this game is somebody else's ancestor [...] so Volo is well and truly nothing special in this regard. The only expectation you might have for Volo is for him to be a bonus superboss or giving you a challenging fight at some point based on Cynthia's own battle, seeing as how he uses a Togepi and a Gible in his earlier battles, but you have zero rational reason to suspect him of doing anything actually evil because the whole story already came and went without him doing anything.
