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Quotes / Bayonet Ya

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"The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a fine chap."
Alexander Suvorov

"Where do you put the bayonet?"
Lieutenant General Chesty Puller of the United States Marine Corps, upon viewing a demonstration of the modern flamethrower.

"Jeez, this can-opener fits on the end of a rifle!"
Bill Mauldin cartoon

"All nations boast of their prowess with the bayonet, but few men really enjoy a hand-to-hand fight with the bayonet. English and French both talk much of the bayonet but in Egypt in 1801 they threw stones at each other when their ammunition was exhausted and one English sergeant was killed by a stone. At Inkerman again the British threw stones at the Russians, not without effect; and I am told upon good authority that the Russians and Japanese, both of whom profess to love the bayonet, threw stones at each other rather than close, even in this twentieth-century."
J.W. Fortescue

"Oh, my child — you've not met war. Think how terrifying it'd be to see a man charging at you, with his skirt flying up in the air, and flashing his big, long... bayonet at you!
Khasi of Kalabar, Carry On Up the Khyber
