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Quotes / Author Filibuster

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"Now is the perfect point in the story for a 2000-word ideological manifesto from your thinly-veiled fictional stand-in."

The great novelist doesn't imitate life but rather offers a kind of analogous, ideal vision of it — ideal in the aesthetic, not moral, sense.
Sam Tanenhaus

"Everybody is feeding Carter’s ego at this point and just getting through his yawnsome script so we can move on to something more interesting... I’m not sure which bugs me more; that this info dump is lumped together right in the middle of this episode where you desperately need something to happen, that Chris Carter has abandoned the show-don't-tell approach and fallen into full on paranoia lecture mode, that the dialogue is absolutely hideous and would trip up a sophisticated performer let alone the cardboard cut out who has to get this mouthful out, or that there are germs of good ideas in this everlasting speech (such as the government using aliens as a cover for getting on with something even more hideous, or the Cold War being one long PR stunt to allow the government to continue spending money on weapons research) that are wasted because after a few minutes you switch off and stop listening and just let the pretty flashbacks wash over you. Had Mulder discovered all of these facts through a well paced and plotted narrative, with the revelations having personal consequences for him and Scully, then the effect would be quite different... This is so appallingly handled I’m surprised an insulted audience didn’t abandon the show in droves (they hung around waiting for the next Monster of the Week episode)."
Doc Oho on The X-Files, "Redux"

"There is no way
You're savin' the day
To crush you would make me so gay!
Johnnie Rico: I've joined the army. Watch my career.
Robert A. Heinlein: Blah blah blah POLITICS blah blah blah ORDER blah blah blah PHILOSOPHY blah blah blah MILITARY ORGANIZATION blah blah blah I HATE THE MILITARY OF MY DAY blah blah blah WAR blah blah blah CITIZENSHIP blah blah blah VOTING blah blah blah MORAL PHILOSOPHY blah blah blah MATH RULES blah blah blah — Story? We don't need no steenking story!
Reader #1: I am overawed. You are a god, Robert A. Heinlein.
Reader #2: I am overawed. You are a doofus, Robert A. Heinlein.
Reader #3: I'm hungry. What's on TV?
Book A Minute: Starship Troopers

Hi folks, Richard Curtis here. Yes I know, I’m using my favourite mouthpiece Hugh Grant to say this, but make no mistake this diatribe is just straight-up Richard Curtis talking to you directly. Finally I don’t have to be filtered through an actual professional director who knows what they’re doing. I’M in charge this time, so I’m seizing this opportunity with both hands to deliver my MANIFESTO.
(cracks knuckles)
So here it is. You know how in my breakout success they had that cheesy cover of “Love Is All Around”? Well to me that’s not just a generic sentimental song hook, that’s my whole worldview in its entirety. I think that love is EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING and that EVERY HUMAN ENDEAVOUR IN HISTORY has been motivated by LOVE LOVE LOVELY LOVE, that love ACTUALLY IS ALL AROUND. In fact I honest-to-God originally named this movie “Love Actually Is All Around”, but the studio shortened it to just “Love Actually” because they apparently figured it was better for a title to be incomprehensible than gag-inducingly saccharine.
So yeah, I think you’ve been fairly warned. If you’re allergic to schmaltz, get out while you still can.
