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We took silhouettes and gave them an episode.
Doc Hammer, on the characters Dragoon and Red Mantle in The Venture Bros.

If anybody were to tell me that the showrunner of the new series would take a character who is basically a giant head pickled in a jar and over the course of three stories he would become one of the central figures of the series and one whose death would have me reaching from the hankies I would probably have laughed in your face.

Up until a year ago, I had seen maybe three episodes of DS9. Back when the idea for the show was first announced, I clearly remember making fun of it with a college buddy of mine. We were under the misguided impression that because the recurring TNG character Chief Miles O'Brien was moving to a new show meant the spin-off would be about him, i.e., it would be Star Trek: The Chief O'Brien Comedy Hour.

Here’s my prediction for Fuller House: Kimmy Gibbler is the richest person in San Francisco who made her fortune from reinventing the scrunchie. She bought the Tanner’s house and let them all move back in because she felt sorry for their broke asses...Michelle died, but her ghost still haunts the Tanner house. If the Olsens guest star, this the only way to explain their current day appearance.
Michael K., "It Only Took 20 Years: Kimmy Gibbler Is FINALLY Getting Her Own Show!"

This series was born primarily from my desire to see more of the yeerk hosts, who I think often end up shunted aside or unfairly ignored in canon. Many of the ghost writers especially make no distinction whatsoever between Tom the teenage boy and the unnamed yeerk controlling him, which borders on being (entirely inadvertent, but still troubling) victim-blaming. And so I figured I’d just have to write the Tom the teenage boy myself, if I wanted to hear from him that badly.

Captain Commando: For a couple of farm animals, you note  sure moved up in the world.
Felicia: Yeah. When you first showed up 10 years ago, I don't remember you saying a word!

I suspose yer all susprised on account of me bein' center.
