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Quotes / America Is Still a Colony

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I just want to renew my passport...! No, I'm a resident alien here from England - you know, the country that used to own you people!
Daphne Moon, Frasier, "The 1000th Episode"

Maj. Sayers: The Brits did a study on aluminum...
Col. Bach: That would be the same aluminum used in the Bradley, sir...
Maj. Sayers: When hit by a shell, it has a tendency to burn, and when it burns, it gives off a toxic gas.
Gen. Partridge: Goddamn it! We fought a revolution so we wouldn't have to pay any attention to the fucking British!

Freshen yer drink, guv'nah?! Grab some tea and crumpets and enjoy your visit to the British States of America, where proper British sophistication rules over the plastic vulgarity that we embrace in America.
Earth Prime on the world from Prince of Wails
