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Quotes / Ambiguously Brown

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Film Brain: What race are you, anyway?
Todd in the Shadows: Don't worry about it.
— Sunday School Musical BMB review.

She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird.
Brian Fantana, Anchorman

"That hair, those freckles, I don't know whether she's black or white or what. You know what she looks like to me? She looks like America."

Both my parents are actually immigrants from the Dominican Republic, that's a Latin country in the Caribbean, so technically I'm Hispanic, but nobody ever believes me. Especially white people, when I tell them I'm Hispanic they're like, "Ian, but you don't look Hispanic! Like are you sure you're not a little bit African-American?" And I hate that question. Am I sure? First of all, I think that's offensive. And second of all, of course I'm not sure! I know what I look like, I'm just as confused as you are! If you're looking for it though, the politically correct term for me right now is actually African-Latino. And if you've never heard of that, basically we're like the next big thing.

Doug Walker: What race is he supposed to be?
Rob Walker: Offensive.
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie review commentary by The Nostalgia Critic writing team. more

I’ve said this to you before and I know it makes you uncomfortable, but you’re thoughtful and you’re brilliant. And your ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American melting pot.
Leslie to Annnote , Parks and Recreation

Mr Fischoder: Are you an immigrant, Bob?
Bob: No.
Mr Fischoder: Oh. I just assumed you were since you're, you know, swarthy.
Gene: What's swarthy mean?
Bob: It means dark and hairy.
Gene: That's you! And me in the future!

Joyce: I...I've been trying to determine if it's rude to ask what, um, flavor of human you two are.
Walky: Well, my sister is Black, but I'm generically beige.

"One's a baby, and the other's -- Black. I think. At least, part Black. Or Hispanic. I think, you know, there's possibly some Filipino in there. Yeah, possibly some Filipino. I mean, if he's—if he's Black, it's definitely diluted. I mean, one of his parents must be white. What the hell is Jessica Alba for that matter? If I was 40 years younger, I would plow that until next July..."
Don LaFontaine, Family Guy, spoof trailer from a movie starring Stewie and Dwayne Johnson.

Archer: You're Black...ish.
Lana: Ish?!
Archer: Well what's the word for it, Lana?! You freaked out when I said "quadroon!"

"Shadow had seen black [sic] guys who looked like Mr. Ibis. Shadow had seen white guys with tans who looked like Mr. Ibis."

"It's too bad you had to die...before we found out what ethnicity you were."
Chanel #5 on Chanel #2, Scream Queens (2015)

"Maybe someone who's small, and cute, and...ethnically hard to pin down."
Princess Isabellanote , Galavant

Kita Charles was the kind of person you couldn't stop looking at, and that was distracting my brain from coming up with words. From what I'd heard, Kita's mother was Japanese and her father was African American. In Kita the combination of racial backgrounds had produced a stunner: Her skin like polished oak, and she wore her black hair in long dreads. People who didn't know her heritage guessed all kinds of things: Egyptian, Italian, Filipino, Israeli. But she wasn't one thing. You couldn't take her apart and say, Ah yes, that part is Japanese; that part is African. She was a perfectly mixed combination— her own unique person. And sitting there in the glow of her attention, I was speechless.

Max: Wait a minute, are you even black?
Bee: [shrugs] I'unno.
Ennui GO!, "Reuse"

Princess of Canada: He victimised me! It's because I'm an ethnic woman.
Prince of Canada: This is outra- wait, you're ethnic?

"...and apparently I'm black? And let me tell you, they do not like black ladies down there."
The immortal, all-knowing Judge who presides on disputes between the Good and Bad Places (played by Maya Rudolph), The Good Place
