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Quotes / Achilles' Heel

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And then there was Achilles. Now there was a guy who had it all; the build, the foot-speed. He could jab! He could take a hit! He could keep on comin'! ...BUT THAT FURSHLUGGINER HEEL OF HIS! He barely gets nicked there once and kaboom! (flicks the statue's heel; it shatters into a pile of rubble) He's history!
Phil, Hercules

The Chintastic couple knew they couldn't defend the theater forever. And they knew every bad guy had his Achilles' heel. If only they could find this foot-based fiend's Achilles' heel, they could bring him to heel!
Daran Norris, narrating the fourth webisode of The Fairly Oddparents: Crimson Chin Webtoons

Aladdin: We have to stop Jafar!
Jasmine: But how? He's so powerful!
Genie: His lamp! You destroy Jafar's lamp, you destroy Jafar!
Aladdin: Then that's what we're gonna do.

Skips: How are we supposed to hurt him [The Hammer]?
Mordecai: I don't know! He was invincible in the game too until we hit him with...*gasping* furniture! Everybody quick! Grab whatever you can and smash it on him!
Regular Show, "Rage Against the TV"

Imperial: Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless jester, no matter what technical data they obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe!
Vader: That is fantastic, terrific work, so no weaknesses at all?
Imperial: N-No.
Vader: You uh... you hesitated there, is there something I should know?
Imperial: No, its virtually indestructible like 99.99%
Vader: Ah.. ok, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask what's the .01?
Imperial: Well, there's this little hole, it was kinda an artistic choice by the architect, and if you shoot a laser into this hole... the station blows up.
Vader: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw!

"You just hit the Servant summoning jackpot! I'm Achilles, a Rider-class Servant. Yep, I'm the hero everyone knows for having his only weakness being his heel. But not many can even get to my heel, no way! Don't forget I'm one of the fastest people of all time!"
Achilles pointing out an issue in aiming for his heel, Fate/Grand Order

The Doctor: You're not affected by the sunlight, are you Amelia?
Amelia: No. Nor Reggie, or Nimrod, or many of the others. Nate was. The Forge gave us all differing weaknesses, you see, just in case they needed to stop us. Some of us are afraid of fire, others of silver or lead.
The Doctor: And poor Matthew with the running river water.
Amelia: They couldn't even get that right, those so-called-scientists at the Forge. Oh, they liked their legends, even the ones that don't feature vampires. I remember one of Reggie's friends, about twenty years ago, who was destroyed by helium.
The Doctor: And you, Amelia? What's your weakness?
Amelia: Do you know, Doctor, I haven't a clue. I've never had the desire to find out.

I am beginning to hate water. The sandtrout skin which impels my metamorphosis has learned the sensitivities of the worm. Moneo and many of my guards know my aversion. Only Moneo suspects the truth, that this marks an important waypoint. I can feel my ending in it, not soon as Moneo measures time, but soon enough as I endure it. Sandtrout swarmed to water in the Dune days, a problem during the early stages of our symbiosis. The enforcement of my will-power controlled the urge then, and until we reached a time of balance. Now, I must avoid water, because there are no other sandtrout, only the half-dormant creatures of my skin.
Leto Atreides II, God-Emperor of Dune

Black Mage: I found out what zombies are weak against.
Red Mage: Oh?
Black Mage: Point blank annihilation.

I found it! Without their heads, they're powerless!
Mahalik, Scary Movie 3

I mean, look at this guy, hm? Pretty much the only thing that could do damage to that thick, stony himself. Or, maybe, I don't know, a piece of himself.
Angelus, Angel

Brother Baldhead had found a way of putting galactic matter together into a living being, a huge, eight-foot semi-Frankenstein with blue-black skin dotted over with starbursts, programming its mind to do what he wanted, and sending it against Superman. The Golem lived on what Luthor termed "galactic energy", which power boosted his considerably beyond Superman’s. In their first encounter, Kal had learned that bashing the white starburst on the Golem’s forehead would have exploded it, but would also have destroyed a good part of the city and possibly the state if he had done so.

Bullets! My only weakness! How did you know?

Mustang: Hey, Hawkeye, what the hell'd you do that for?!
Hawkeye: You know as well as I do, you're useless on rainy days! Please stand back!
Havoc: Oh, yeah, I forgot. It's kinda hard to get a spark going when it's raining, huh?

Oh, no, did I get your ignition glove all wet? Silly me.
Lust, immediately after drenching Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Rat Pfink: Remember, Boo Boo, we only have one weakness.
Boo Boo: What's that, Rat Pfink?
Rat Pfink: Bullets.
