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Quotes / Absurdly High-Stakes Game

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You and I have a meal. Fugu! Pufferfish. Expensive. Delicious. The cat's particulars. Deadly. Now, some of these pieces are properly prepared, by a master chef; some... are not. Fugu roulette? You unlock your smart-ass phone, then we eat: if you die first, I get the phone and your naughty contacts; but if I get zotzed, then you take charge of the Korinto-Kai... and if you're reeeeeeeal good, Daddy'll come back from the dead to take you out for ice-cream. The question, Yamato: take a chance at my entire criminal empire - and ice-cream - or artillery and noisy death, heh?
Daimon Kiyota, The Secret World

So, you pesky Earth slugs like to race, eh? Heheheheh! Well I, Nitros Oxide, am the fastest racer in the galaxy! I travel the stars, looking for creatures to test my skills. It's a little game I like to call "Survival of the Fastest"! Here's the way we play: I challenge the best driver of your world to a race for the planet. If your driver wins, I'll leave your miserable little rock alone. But if I win, I'll turn your entire globe into a concrete parking lot, and make you my minions! Hahahahahaha! Get ready to race for the fate of your planet!
Nitros Oxide, Crash Team Racing

Timothy Hunter: What... if I lose?
The Manticore: Then you'll accept my tutelage. And I will liberate you from all your illusions.
Timothy Hunter: And then you'll eat me.
The Manticore: Eventually, yes. But you won't care when that time comes. You won't care at all. You see, I'll consume your magic before I touch your flesh. You might be surprised to learn how little one cares for one's flesh once one's soul has been stripped away.

In here, they gamble on the fate of empires and planets; the minimum bet on the far tables is one galaxy!

Hoyt Volker: Quite a job, poker. Ask anyone on the street, and they'll call it a game of chance. Or talk to Sam here, and he'll say it's about bluffing, won't you, Sam?
Hoyt: Ja. But it's not, is it? It's about keeping you playing until the house collects. (Hoyt, Sam, and Jason carry on playing, until suddenly, Hoyt whips out a knife and stabs Sam with it)
Jason: SAM!! (He tries to get up from his chair, but Hoyt's Mooks restrain him)
Hoyt: Ah, ah, ah! Sorry, house rules! Ah! Look at that! We have the same cards! So, let's raise the stakes a little, shall we? (beat) Foster, Jason Brody, whatever your name is, it's slipped my mind. HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?! (abruptly calms down) We should keep playing. Dealer's on the left, right? (stares at Sam's body) Guess he's sitting this one out. (after a tense few minutes' continued playing) So, got your little reunion with Riley. Brought a tear to my eye. And I'm rarely moved. I'll admit, I underestimated you. Torturing your own brother. Destroying half my organization! (beat) But, let the chips fall where they may, right? I forgive you. So, name your price. Everyone has one. You're all puppets, and we pull the strings! The system was designed to work that way!
Jason: Screw your system! (Jason makes his last, unsuccessful bid)
Hoyt: You know what, Jason? I'm going to go easy on you, since you're a family man. One finger, every time you lose! (Hoyt's men pin Jason's arms to the table, and Hoyt removes his knife from Sam's neck, shaking blood off it) I think I'll start with... the ring finger.

Thanos: And the contest?
The Grandmaster: A quasi-military exercise set on a mental plane of existence. Each contestant will be equipped with an identical suit of battle armor. A killshot will immobilize the loser and terminate the game program. I take it you're willing to put up your five Soul Gems as a wager in this contest, just to make things more interesting.
Thanos: Why not? I do not plan on losing. I have placed the gems in a stasis field that will deactivate in the event of my death.
I only bet on what's dearest to a man's heart, else there's no way to tell if he's bluffing. What a man is willing to risk, or not to risk... that's a measure of his soul.
