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Playing With / World's Strongest Man

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Basic Trope: The most powerful fighter in the entire world/universe.

  • Played Straight: Magnus the Mighty is the most powerful warrior in all of Troperia. Extremely strong, fast, and skilled, with highly powerful magic.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Magnus the Mighty is so powerful he can just stand in place and No-Sell anyone else’s attacks until they get tired.
    • Magnus the Mighty can easily take on everyone else in Troperia at once.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Magnus the Mighty has been brutally training his whole life
    • Magnus has The Gift.
  • Inverted: Magnus is the weakest fighter in Troperia
  • Subverted: Magnus the Mighty appears to be the most powerful warrior in Troperia at first, but his rival Michael Starlight is even more powerful than him.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Magnus improves and becomes even more powerful than Michael.
    • Michael becomes so powerful he Ascends to a Higher Plane of Existence, leaving Magnus unchallenged in the material world.
    • Michael Starlight isn't a Troperian.note 
  • Zigzagged: Magnus the Mighty is the most powerful warrior in the world aside from Michael Starlight, but Michael is only strong when the sun is out, so Magnus is more powerful at night. However, Michael later gets a pendant that allows him to wield his incredible power at any time.
  • Averted: Magnus is no more powerful than any other warrior in Troperia
  • Enforced: Magnus needs to be unbeatable in a straight fight so that Bob can show off his intellect by outsmarting him.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz manipulates Magnus the Mighty into telling him the secrets of his power so Evulz can have it for himself.
  • Conversed: “Magnus the Mighty is without equal. None of us can stand a chance against him.”
  • Deconstructed: No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction
  • Reconstructed: Magnus finds challenges in other ways than combat.
  • Played for Laughs: After hearing another fighter arrogantly boast of his own prowess, Magnus completely wipes the floor with him.
  • Played for Drama: All of the governments are afraid of Magnus’s incredible power. They start committing increasingly heinous acts to try and defend themselves from a possible Magnus attack.
