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Playing With / Women's Mysteries

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Basic Trope: A secret story or ritual passed from mother to daughter, which only women in the tribe or culture are permitted to know.

  • Straight: Aerith has her first period. She is then given an initiation ritual and celebration that takes place in the dead of night, with only the women of her tribe. This marks her as a full-fledged woman.
  • Exaggerated: Any man who dares look upon any aspect of Aerith's initiation ceremony, even just her walking into the hut where this all takes place, is to be killed on sight.
  • Downplayed: It is an Open Secret that the rituals are an introduction to details of feminine hygiene and sex ed needed on a personal level. Guys just need to know that menstruation exists and maybe what supplies are generally helpful to keep around.
  • Justified:
    • Women and men operate in different spheres of Aerith's society. Men have their rituals, too, which tend to be centered on hunting or warfare, or other traditionally masculine pursuits. The women's rituals revolve around things in their lives: menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, etc.
    • In this society, talking about Squicky things like menstruation is taboo, and men don't want to hear about them anyway.
    • Part of the initiation ritual involves an offering made to a virgin goddess who Does Not Like Men.
    • The teachings, while highly useful to a daughter and her survival, contain bits considered heretical by the male priesthood.
  • Inverted: Bob has his first ejaculation. He is then given an initiation ritual and celebration that takes place in the dead of night, with only the men of his tribe. This marks him as a full-fledged man.
  • Subverted: A few men are allowed to be present at Aerith's initiation ceremony.
    • It turns out that sex is separate from the social gender or caste. It would be more accurately described as gatherer rituals.
  • Double Subverted: They are eunuchs, who are not considered to be "real" men in her society. And even they are not allowed inside the hut for some of the ceremony; they must stay outside.
  • Parodied: Lady Land
  • Zig Zagged: Some ceremonies, rituals, and stories are only for men, some are only for women, and some are for everyone.
  • Averted: There are no gender-specific religious rituals or rites of passage.
    • Aerith is part of a One-Gender Race
    • Men and women do not operate in separate spheres, and talk openly with each other about such things as menstruation or testicle issues.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Only women may participate in the First Blood Ritual."
  • Invoked: Men and women operate in separate spheres, and develop rituals and stories concerning aspects of their separate lives.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The High Queen specifically orders both men and women to be inducted into other's secrets even if the utility is marginal.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Only women are permitted to follow the link back to Women's Mysteries.
