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Playing With / What Did I Do Last Night?

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Basic Trope: A character wakes up drunk and in a confusing position.

  • Straight: After a wild party, Alice wakes up in a bathtub wearing a scarf that isn't hers.
  • Exaggerated:
    • After a wild party in New York City, Alice wakes up in a Beijing street corner dressed in oriental drab.
    • After a party, Alice wakes up in mismatched clothes, none of which are hers.
  • Downplayed: Alice wakes up on a couch in her friend's house. She's able to piece together what happened easily.
  • Justified:
    • Alice can't hold her liquor very well and passed out.
    • Alice is pretty eccentric even when sober, the alcohol just amps her up even more.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice was teleported to a bizarre fantasy land and gets drunk at a pub. When she wakes up, she's at home in her bed.
    • Alice always wakes up fine in her bed when she gets drunk, albeit with a hangover. When she goes to bed sober, she always wakes up in a strange situation.
  • Subverted: Despite worrying that she’ll end up in an awkward situation, Alice wakes up in her bed like usual.
  • Double Subverted: With a naked woman beside her.
  • Parodied: Alice getting drunk and ending up in weird situations is the basis of the show.
  • Zig Zagged: As Alice wakes up, she finds a few things out of place.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't drink.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Goddamit. Not again."
  • Invoked: Dave gets Alice drunk so he can murder her boyfriend Bob and plant the knife in her hands.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Alice makes sure not to drink to avoid getting into drunken shenanigans.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Implied: Alice mentions something about something weird happening when she was drunk.
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Alice somehow foiled Emperor Evulz's evil plan while drunk.
    • Alice wakes up in the Lincoln bedroom and learns that she had gotten herself elected President while drunk.
    • While drunk, Alice barged in naked on a United Nations meeting and gave a speech so profound and heartwarming that it achieved world peace.
    • Alice wakes up surrounded by the Royal Jewels and learns that she pulled off a heist at the Jewel House.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice wakes up and learns that her boyfriend Bob went missing.
    • Alice wakes up and learns that everyone who attended the party is missing.
    • Alice wakes up and learns that Bob's broken up with her.
    • Alice wakes up next to Bob's dead body, with her holding a knife.
    • Alice wakes up. She believes that she was raped while unconscious, but can't prove it.
    • Alice wakes up. She finds nude photos of her posted online.
    • Alice wakes up. She finds nude photos of her on the ground.
    • Alice wakes up naked in bed with her cousin Ben. She doesn't know if they had sex and really doesn't want to.
    • Alice wakes up naked in bed with a little boy. She doesn't know if she had sex with him or not.
    • Alice wakes up naked in bed with her best friend Brittany, having had sex with her the night before. When she wakes up, Brittany wants to continue their relationship while Alice, either straight, already in a relationship or just not interested in Brittany, wants to cut it off.
    • Alice wakes up naked in bed with Bob's best friend Carl. Alice is mortified at cheating on Bob but Carl wants to continue seeing her.
  • Played For Horror:
    • Alice wakes up in bloodied mismatched clothes, none of which of hers.
    • Alice wakes up as a quadruple amputee.
    • Alice wakes up surrounded by her friends and family's corpses.
    • Alice wakes up surrounded by the corpses of strangers.
    • Alice wakes up naked and chained in a cargo ship.
    • Alice wakes up naked, tied to the ground and surrounded by masked strangers chanting in Latin.
    • Alice wakes up and finds that everyone else in the world but her is missing.
    • Alice wakes up and finds the dead body of someone looking exactly like her beside her. She doesn't have an identical twin sister.
    • Something physically took control of Alice when she was drunk.

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