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Playing With / Wait for Your Date

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  • Basic Trope: Women take forever getting ready for a date, party, or other event.
  • Straight: Alice and Bob are going out on a date. Bob waits downstairs while Alice finishes putting on her makeup and getting dressed.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is left waiting there all night. They end up making it a night in.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob only has to wait for a couple of minutes.
    • Bob has to wait for Alice to finish her make-up, but she does so downstairs, chatting to him all the while.
  • Justified: Alice is doing elaborate makeup (contouring, highlighting, etc.), straight out of a makeup tutorial from a beauty vlogger she saw. It takes a lot of time and effort.
    • Women have been conditioned by societal expectations of beauty to fuss over their appearances, and invest much time and energy into them.
    • Alice lost track of time, or forgot what day it was.
    • Alice doesn't have very good time management skills.
  • Inverted: Alice is ready. Bob is not.
  • Gender Inverted: Alice waits downstairs while Bob fusses over his Guyliner.
  • Subverted: Bob is waiting for Alice downstairs, not because she's fussing over her makeup/dress/hair/etc., but because she had a business call.
    • Alice is all dressed, and Bob hasn't arrived yet.
    • Alice and Bob are both waiting, because the babysitter is late.
    • It's a casual date or party, and so Alice doesn't have to spend hours choosing a dress.
  • Double Subverted: She's doing her makeup, curling her hair, etc. while she's on the phone with her boss/client/coworker/etc.
    • She has extra time, and begins second-guessing the dress she chose to wear.
    • The babysitter is fussing over her clothes.
    • Alice can't decide between two different skirts.
  • Parodied: Alice hasn't even showered yet! Bob turns on the TV, because he knows it will be a while.
    • Bob is the one fussing over his clothes.
    Bob: Should I wear the single-breasted suit or the double-breasted one? Or should I wear a tux? With tails or without? Is that too formal?
    • Alice is late to her own wedding because she was too busy fussing over and second-guessing her dress/makeup/hair/etc.
    • By the time Alice is finally ready, Bob is dead, nothing more than a skeleton covered in cobwebs sitting on her couch.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Alice takes longer to get ready, sometimes Bob takes longer, and sometimes they're ready at about the same time.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't fuss over her appearance.
    • Women in this setting are not culturally expected to invest a lot of time and energy into how they look or dress.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Alice, are you ready yet? The show starts in half an hour!"
  • Invoked: Alice receives an invitation to a party, or out on a date, and wants to impress.
  • Exploited: Alice deliberately takes forever getting ready, because she doesn't really want to go out with Bob.
  • Defied: Alice leaves enough time to do her hair and makeup, and picks out her outfit ahead of time.
    • Alice doesn't care what others think, and doesn't spend a lot of time doing her hair and makeup. (This may or may not be used to show that Alice is Not Like Other Girls.)
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice takes so long that they end up not making it in time for their plans.

Go back to Wait for Your Date, but be warned: it could be a long wait.
