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Playing With / Villainous Incest

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Basic Trope: Incest as proof of a villain's evilness.

  • Straight: To show how morally corrupt they are, the villainous Brother–Sister Team Alice and Bob engage in incest.
  • Exaggerated: Alice and Bob not only have sex with each other, but also their own inbred children.
  • Downplayed:
    • Villainous Brother–Sister Team Alice and Bob have Incest Subtext, but nothing else.
    • Alice and Bob were in an incestuous relationship in the past, but ended it.
    • Alice and Bob are implied to have incestuous fantasies from a brief look at their Porn Stash, but they don't necessarily (or even ever at all) act on those fantasies.
  • Justified:
    • Love Makes You Evil
    • Alice and Bob have a Friends with Benefits style system because nobody else wants to get involved with them.
    • Alice and Bob were disowned by their parents and outcasted from society for their incestous relationship, forcing them to resort to crime to survive.
    • Alice groomed her younger brother into an incestous relationship.
  • Inverted:
    • They're villains, but their incestuous relationship is portrayed sympathetically, actually being a Pet the Dog moment—Even Evil Has Loved Ones, after all.
    • Alice and Bob are heroes, in a sympathetically portrayed incestuous relationship.
  • Subverted: They were just mistaken for a couple—they're not really one.
  • Double Subverted: They were mistaken for lovers because Everyone Can See It. This mistake lampshades it and leads to a Love Epiphany, which leads to actually getting together.
  • Parodied: The instance Alice and Bob become villains, they immediately fall into bed despite having behaved exactly like normal siblings beforehand.
  • Zig-Zagged: The story has Grey-and-Gray Morality, and how villainous Alice and Bob really are (and how incestuous their relationship is) remains hotly debated.
  • Averted: Alice and Bob have a normal sibling relationship.
  • Enforced: Originally Alice and Bob were to merely be aliens genetically engineered by Abusive Precursors towards "perfection" which would necessitate a Bizarre Alien Reproduction where incest ensured genes would align to original over time and betrayal of their ideals by non-incestuous sex would be fatal. They were thus alien but not truly villainous. Producers found it unnecessarily cumbersome and dropped the alien values and lack of choice leaving only straightforward incestuous villains.
  • Lampshaded: "Are you two really so horrible that even other villains can't stand being with you?"
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob, being the anarchist villains they are, willingly become an incestuous couple to prove they have no respect for society.
  • Exploited: Knowing how incredibly dangerous Alice and Bob are, Carol places a command on their minds so they'll only mate with each other so that their super-powered progeny are at greater risk of mental disorders and psychosis from inbreeding.
  • Defied: When Charlie asks Alice and Bob if they are a couple, they are incredibly nauseated by the idea.
  • Discussed:
    Charlie: Are you and Alice lovers or something?
    Bob: What? No! Even Evil Has Standards! That would be wrong!
  • Conversed: "Why do villains date inside the family so much? I guess when you're evil, no one else would want you."
  • Implied: Incest Subtext
  • Played For Laughs: A Running Gag is Anne-Marie and Billy Bob's victims not fleeing from the two actively serial killing others but because they find their constant incestuous PDA gross to watch.
  • Played For Drama: Alice and Bob only reluctantly engaged in incest after they were the only two of their species left showing their commitment to do anything if it would further their plans for revenge.

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