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Playing With / Unstable Powered Child

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Basic Trope: A child character can't control their powers.

  • Straight: Alice is an eight-year-old girl who can't control her geokinesis powers.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a four-year-old girl who can't control her various magical powers, causing many incidents such as entire buildings being destroyed.
  • Downplayed: Alice is a twelve-year-old girl who has some control over her geokinesis powers, but loses control sometimes.
  • Justified:
    • Alice doesn't have the mentality or strength to keep her powers in check.
    • Alice's geokinetic nerves haven't fully grown yet.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is a fourty-two-year-old woman who can't control her geokinesis powers.
    • Alice is an eight-year-old girl who is more stable than the adults around her, because while she lacks maturity, she also lacks trauma that causes a lot of adults to lose control of their powers.
  • Subverted: Alice struggles with her powers, but is then able to raise a section of dirt out of the ground.
  • Double Subverted: However, Alice then says "That's not what I want to happen!", and the dirt promptly goes all over the place.
  • Zig-Zagged:
  • Parodied: ?
  • Averted: Alice has perfect control over her powers.
  • Enforced: "It would make sense if Alice couldn't control her powers. She's only a child, after all."
  • Lampshaded: "Of course she can't control her powers. She's only eight!"
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz hires a telepathic assassin to sow seeds of discord, anger, and fear in Alice with the specific goal to turn her into this trope to endanger her parents who are his primary adversaries.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz sends in a frightened empowered young Alice onto the battlefield specifically because he knows that Bob and Claire will rescue her, and in turn bring in someone who will kill them from the inside.
  • Defied: It is made the first priority to teach Alice how to use her powers.
  • Discussed: "We better be careful. She's only eight, so she could do heavy damage on us because of a lack of control of her powers."
  • Conversed: "Fighting magical enemies? Hard. Fighting magical enemy kids? Even harder. Hopefully, we never encounter the latter."
  • Deconstructed: Alice ends up causing a serious accident because of a lack of control over her powers.
  • Reconstructed: After the incident, it is made important for Alice to learn to control her powers, so while she still messes up, she doesn't do it as often as before.
