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Playing With / Unfortunate Names

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  • Basic Trope: An extremely terrible name you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy.
  • Straight: Bob has a friend named Harry Johnson.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob has a friend named Adolf Stalin.
    • Bob has a friend named Harry Johnson III.
    • Bob has a friend named Harry B. Elephant. Not only does he have to deal with having such an utterly ridiculous surname, he also has to deal with the fact that he's constantly confused with Harry Belafonte.
    • Everyone in the story has ridiculously unfortunate names.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob has a friend named Harold Johnson. People call him "Harry" to mess with him.
    • The full name isn't necessarily unfortunate, but the first, middle, or last name is.
    • The name is only terrible if misspelled/mispronounced, but this error is unfortunately a Running Gag.
    • While it wasn't an unfortunate name in the 1850's setting of the work, Adolf Stalin's name has Gay Old Timed.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Bob has a friend named Jesus Gandhi.
  • Subverted: Harry's real name is Jackson; he changed his last name as a joke.
  • Double Subverted: ...And before he changed it to Jackson, his surname was Cox.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether or not "Harry Johnson" is this character's real name is left ambiguous.
  • Averted: Bob does not have a friend with an extremely awful name.
  • Enforced: To add some Vulgar Humor and/or Cringe Comedy.
  • Lampshaded: "If you make any jokes about my name, I will kill you."
  • Invoked: See Subverted.
  • Exploited: Harry becomes a comedian, and instantly becomes a joke himself because of his name.
  • Defied: Harry Johnson changes his name immediately.
  • Discussed: "Wait, your name is... Harry Johnson?!" "Yeah, I've Never Heard That One Before."
  • Conversed: "Why do characters always have such embarrassing names?"
  • Implied: Harry never tells people his surname, for "personal reasons".
  • Deconstructed:
    • Harry is endlessly bullied because of his awful, awful name.
    • Harry sues his own parents for giving him such a terrible name, and is treated like an outcast by his family.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Harry takes martial arts classes, and beats up anyone who dares to make fun of his name, in order to earn respect.
    • ...But now he doesn't have to worry about his family constantly making jokes about his name.
  • Implied:
    Alice: Mind telling me your friend's name?
    Bob: No. I don't trust you'd act appropriately to it.
