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Playing With / Turbulent Priest

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Basic Trope: A religious leader challenges a (usually evil) regime.

  • Straight: Father Robert enters the court of the Emperor, gives a fiery speech condemning his misdeeds, and is executed a martyr.
  • Exaggerated: Father Robert leads a popular revolt to overthrow The Empire, succeeds, and establishes peace throughout the land.
  • Downplayed: Father Robert criticizes some of the Emperor’s policies in a homily.
  • Justified: The Emperor happened to make things harder for the Church fairly recently.
  • Inverted: A layperson challenges the authority of The Theocracy.
  • Subverted: ‘Father’ Robert isn’t clergy at all, he disguised himself as a cleric to enter the court.
  • Double Subverted: He’s not clergy in the Empire’s state religion, but he is in another faith.
  • Parodied: The Vicar has afternoon tea and heated debate with the Emperor.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: ???
  • Enforced: The writer is tired of seeing Sinister Minister types in stories and wants a heroic cleric.
  • Lampshaded: "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"
  • Exploited: La Résistance tries to get the support of the clergy.
  • Defied: The Emperor purges any possible opposition from the clergy to prevent this.
  • Invoked: Someone prompts a priest to oppose the Empire.
  • Discussed: "Now that I rule this land, who will oppose me? Some priest?"
  • Conversed: "Why is it that, in these stories, it’s always a religious leader inciting revolt?"
  • Deconstructed: The Emperor, a devout man, actually follows through with Father Robert’s demands. However, Robert was expecting to die a martyr and didn’t expect to actually get this far.
  • Reconstructed: Father Robert works with the Emperor in order to implement his ideals.

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