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Playing With / Truck Driver's Gear Change

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Basic Trope: A song ends by changing the key, usually sometime in the last chorus.

  • Straight: A pop song modulates up half a step before its last chorus.
  • Exaggerated:
    • A pop song modulates up half a step before its last chorus. And then does it again. And again. And again, until it goes through the whole circle of keys chromatically, back to where it started.
    • A pop song modulates up by more than an octave in the final chorus.
  • Downplayed: The song modulates up one-tenth of a step, barely discernible.
  • Justified:
    • The songwriter adds in the key change because it emphasises an important event in the lyrics.
    • The final chorus was meant to be sung in the same key as the rest of the song, but during the last line the singer accidentally sang it a half-step higher than usual. His band decided to keep the defective line because it sounded better.
  • Inverted:
    • The song changes key some time earlier, and then changes back in the middle of the last chorus.
    • The song modulates downward before the last chorus.
  • Subverted: The chorus starts with an instrumental break in a different key, then changes back when the vocals come in...
  • Double Subverted: ...then it changes again in the middle of the chorus.
  • Parodied:
    • An extreme metal band adds a conspicuous key change to the last chorus of an extremely atonal song.
    • The bridge is just "I'll inhale even more helium/and all the top 10 charts, I'll top 'em" sung 4 times in a row, with the key going a half step up every time it's repeated.
  • Zig Zagged: Some albums by one pop artist are full of key changes, others have none to speak of.
  • Averted: The whole song uses the same key signature.
  • Enforced: A producer pressures a band to write more songs with this trope, in order to be more commercially successful.
  • Lampshaded: The lyrics reference the key change when it happens.
  • Invoked: The lyrics contain the two vocalists discussing whether ot not they should add a key change, they decide on the affirmative.
  • Exploited: The rest of the band, while playing a live version of the song, notice that the singer is singing at the wrong key half a step higher than usual - and then change keys with him, deciding to just go with it.
  • Defied: The lyrics reference the lack of key changes.
  • Discussed: A song has a verse about why the trope is overused.
  • Conversed: A songwriter and the singer he's working with talk about the merits of the trope.
  • Deconstructed: The recording artist is accused of using Autotune in their music, and subsequently denounced for abusing it even though other popular musicians do the exact same thing.
  • Reconstructed: A behind-the-scenes video shows that, in fact, all vocals were entirely organic (i.e., not Autotuned, and the status quo is restored.

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