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Playing With / Token Romance

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Basic Trope: A shoehorned romantic subplot that has no relevance to the main plot.

  • Straight: Bob and Alice are involved in a romantic subplot, which is almost completely separated from the main plot about fighting alien robots to save the galaxy.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Bob and Alice flirt a bit and have Ship Tease together, but the plot never really focuses on them having a relationship.
  • Justified: Bob and Alice have great chemistry, spend a lot of time together fighting alien robots and loads of fans ship it, so it makes logical sense for them to get together.
  • Inverted: Bob and Alice's romance is the main plot, with the gratuitous and mostly meaningless alien-robot war as the background story/setting.
  • Subverted:
    • It looks as though there will be a romance between Alice and Bob, but then nothing comes of it.
    • Alice and Bob's romance becomes very important to the plot eventually, due to Alice risking the mission to rescue Bob when he's captured.
  • Double Subverted: Alice and Bob's romantic subplot is quickly abandoned, but then along comes Bob and Charlie.
  • Parodied: The scenes keep cutting between dramatic battle sequences and Bob and Alice being Sickeningly Sweethearts.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Bob and Alice don't have a romance.
    • Alice and Bob's romance is central, or at least relevant to, the main plot.
  • Enforced: The executives want to appeal to a certain demographic and romance is popular right now, so they urge the writers to introduce the Bob-and-Alice romantic plot to draw in more viewers.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob, how can you think about romance when the galaxy is in danger?" "It is? I hadn't noticed."
  • Invoked: “Hey, Bob, while you’re saving the galaxy, why don’t you try pursuing Alice? You might have a shot!” “Hey, that’s a great idea!
  • Exploited: Alice and Bob use The Power of Love to defeat the alien robots.
  • Defied: Alice, Bob, or both, state that there will be no romance between them whatsoever before any romance happens.
  • Discussed: "Why on earth would we have Bob and Alice fall in love? What does that have to do with fighting alien robots?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Drama: Alice and Bob get too distracted falling in love with each other, allowing the alien robots to invade.

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