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Playing With / Tiny Guy, Huge Girl

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Basic Trope: A man dates a woman much taller than him.

  • Straight: Bob, a 170 cm (5'7) tall man dates Alice, a 198 cm (6'6) tall woman.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Bob is an inch or two shorter than his girlfriend Alice.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is very tall, so most of the men she dates are shorter than her. Or Bob is very short, so most of the women he dates are taller than him. In either case it could be due to a medical condition (gigantism or dwarfism, respectively).
    • Alice and Bob are members of a race or nonhuman species of which females are usually bigger than males.
    • Bob finds tall women to be especially attractive.
    • The height difference was nonexistent when they started dating.
    • Most of the taller men were conscripted and died in a war. Since Bob was too short to enlist, and there's not enough tall men around, Alice decides to date him.
    • Alice is a Cute Monster Girl - specifically, she's from a species known for being large (Dragoness, Minotaur, etc...).
    • Bob belongs to a species of Little People, while Alice is either a regular human, or a large Cute Monster Girl.
  • Inverted: Huge Guy, Tiny Girl.
  • Subverted: Alice seems to be much taller than her boyfriend Bob, but that's because she wears high heels.
    • Bob and Alice are only teenagers, so Bob hasn’t reached his full height yet.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but Bob also wears insoles in his shoes that make him look taller.
    • Even as adults, Bob is still considerably shorter than Alice.
    • Alternatively: Yes, Alice wears heels, but any heels that could cause that kind of height difference would be impossible for Alice to walk in.
  • Parodied: Charlie (6'8) walks around in a crouch all the time because Alice likes to be the tall one in any couple.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob date throughout their adolescence, so their relative heights change.
    • Alice is 6'4" and Bob is 5'7", but he's at least 200 pounds heavier than her, strong as an Ox and built like a Buick while she's a Statuesque Stunner. Her friends think it's weird when she says Bob makes her feel small and protected until they see him. However, Alice loves a good Pimped-Out Dress making her look bigger than Bob when they go out on dates. However on Halloween, anything goes, and it's hard to determine who's the bigger one.
  • Averted: Bob and Alice have similar height.
  • Enforced: "Now how do we get a bit of Marshmallow Hell into the show?" "The actress playing Alice a head taller than the actor playing Bob. Why not ship them?" "Good idea. Glad I Thought of It."
  • Lampshaded: "I'm so glad that I can finally can hang out with a guy who doesn't mind being shorter than me!"
  • Invoked: Bob wants tall children.
  • Exploited: When Alice and Bob are arranging to meet Carol and Dave in person for the first time, instead of sending pictures, they just say, "Look for the big girl snogging the little guy."
  • Defied: Bob rejects the much taller Alice's advances because of her height.
  • Discussed: "Hey, Bob — doesn't it bother you, being so short compared to Alice?"
  • Conversed: "You know, I thought that they would be making jokes about how much taller Alice was than Bob, but they never mentioned it."
  • Implied: Bob takes a trip in Alice's car and moves her seat a bit forward.
  • Deconstructed: Bob develops an inferiority complex due to Alice's height and people's constant mock of them. Alice, noticing that Bob is unhappy, decides to break up with him, even if the relationship was great.
  • Reconstructed: Bob and Alice are the kind of people who consider traditional gender roles unimportant.
  • Played For Drama: Alice feels insecure about her height, and feels overbearing towards Bob, while Bob feels the same Height Angst and doesn't feel strong enough to protect Alice and keep her happy.

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