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Playing With / The World Is Just Awesome

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Basic Trope: The world's majesty is put on full display.

  • Straight: Xavier comes across a quiet forest glen and enjoys it for its beauty and quietude.
  • Exaggerated: Xavier spends hours blubbering on the forest floor.
  • Downplayed: Xavier spends some quality time in a nice but otherwise unimpressive city park.
  • Justified: Xavier's life in the big city hasn't been too awe-inspiring, and the forest is new to him.
  • Inverted: Xavier's good mood is spoiled by the sight of a vulture pecking at a corpse on the side of the road.
  • Subverted: The forest is beautiful, but that doesn't mean diddley-squat to Xavier. He passes it by without a second glance.
  • Parodied: Spending time in the woods turns Xavier from a suit-wearing office drone to a granola-munching hippie.
  • Zig Zagged: The woods are lovely, but also dark, and rather deep. Xavier gets lost and almost dies before a rescue party finds him. He swears off nature hikes, but manages to find similar, less life-threatening beauty at a local beach.
  • Averted: Xavier's life is a nonstop parade of ugliness and depravity.
  • Enforced: Xavier's not too thrilled by being in the forest, but compared to the rest of his life it's heaven and he'll milk it for all it's worth.
  • Lampshaded: "How did I manage to miss this place?"
  • Invoked: While trapped in prison, Xavier tries to cheer himself up by dreaming up pictures of the woods.
  • Exploited: Yancy uses the woods to distract Xavier from his job, which is guarding the woods from poachers like him.
  • Defied: Xavier never gets so much as a glimpse of the beauty in life, because he never survived being born in the first place.
  • Discussed: Xavier writes poetry discussing beauty, using the woods as metaphor.
  • Conversed: "Ever notice Xavier's been spending a lot of time hiking?"
  • Implied: The normally sardonic and caustic Xavier finally shuts up when he sees the woods for the first time.
  • Deconstructed: The existence of such beauty only serves to depress Xavier further; it'll be destroyed anyway, so why enjoy it?
  • Reconstructed: The fact that the forest won't last means nothing to Xavier; all that matters is he was here to enjoy it. The impermanence of the world's beauty makes it urgent that he enjoy it while he can.

"I love the main page, and all its examples."

