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Playing With / The Web Always Existed

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Basic Trope: The Web can still be accessed no matter where characters time-travel.

  • Straight: Bob is able to access Google even after going to the medieval era.
  • Exaggerated: Bob can still access Google even before the Big Bang.
  • Downplayed: Bob goes to the year 1989 and can access Google.
  • Justified:
    • The computer has a way of going through the time continuum so it can connect.
    • Bob's time machine has wi-fi.
  • Inverted: Bob can only access websites from the past or the future while in the present.
    • Bob can not only post on website still around from 1989 but can post /in/ 1989.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: Bob refreshes the page after clearing the cache and Google still shows up.
  • Parodied: Bob gets ridiculous news feeds about new time-travel technology.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob keeps getting errors and opening cached copies before opening up an up-to-date version of the website, despite being in a time before the internet.
  • Averted: Bob can only use the Internet if he travels to a time after it was invented.
  • Enforced: The producer wants to have Bob able to look things up to stay safe in the past.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow! I can even access Google in the 17th century!"
  • Invoked: Bob upgrades his computer to be able to connect through the time continuum.
  • Exploited: Bob posts information about previously unknown things.
  • Defied: Bob tries to make sure he only gets a connection after 1990.
  • Discussed: "How is the computer able to access Google? It didn't exist in this time period!"
  • Conversed: "That guy on that show must have very advanced technology to be able to access the Internet from any time period!"
  • Implied: Bob is able to access information much more quickly than should be possible with medieval technology.
  • Deconstructed: When medieval people gain access to Bob's computer, he ends up changing the course of history for the worse.
  • Reconstructed: Bob is very careful to not use the internet in view of the locals.

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