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Playing With / The Unmasqued World

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Basic Trope: The Masquerade is broken forever.

  • Straight: Vampires exist, and while they've been able to keep their existence a secret for centuries, their existence has been revealed, and society changes as a result.
  • Exaggerated: The knowledge of vampires being real practically changes society overnight.
  • Downplayed: The fact that vampires are real was always a rumor that some people took seriously. The reveal simply confirmed their suspicions.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Everyone knows vampires are real, but the vampires enact a massive plan to convince people that their existence was an elaborate con, so people begin to think they aren't.
  • Subverted: Definitive proof that vampires are real exists, and is released to the world, but everyone believes it's fake.
  • Double Subverted: Then, additional proof is released, confirming that vampires are real.
  • Parodied: A diner in a restaurant has a dramatic reaction to being served garlic. The bystanders immediately assume he must be a vampire, and therefore, vampires are real. Despite the flimsy proof, the rest of society believes them without question.
  • Zig-Zagged: People debate extensively as to the validity of the evidence of vampires' existence, and whether vampires are real or not.
  • Averted:
    • Vampires were always known to exist.
    • There are no vampires, or other entities living in secret.
  • Enforced: By revealing the existence of vampires to the world, the authors can write stories about how the characters, and society at large, reacts to that.
  • Lampshaded: "Now everyone knows vampires are real. This is going to change the world forever."
  • Invoked: An investigative reporter finds proof that vampires are real, and decides to release it publicly.
  • Exploited: The reporter tried to report the existence of vampires in the past, but was never taken seriously. Finding proof will help her fix her reputation.
  • Defied: There are people working to maintain the secrecy of vampires' existence, willing to go to great lengths to keep them secret.
  • Discussed: "You think vampires are real? I wonder what the world would be like if we all learned that they are."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: One vampire is going to great lengths to keep the fact that he's a vampire secret. Several years later, the same vampire is talking with some humans, and the fact that he's a vampire is known by all of them.
  • Played for Drama: Two vampires struggle with the fact that their existence is now known to be real by normal humans, and how this will change their lives.
  • Played for Horror: Now that vampires are known to exist, they get the courage to attack humans much more openly, causing people to live in fear.

Yes, we've been keeping it secret for years, but the The Unmasqued World main trope page really exists.
