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Playing With / The Sleepless

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Basic Trope: A character does not need to sleep because of supernatural reasons or otherwise.

  • Straight: Alice is able to go without sleep indefinitely.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has never slept in her entire existence, and the concept of sleep is completely alien to her.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice doesn't need to sleep, but occasionally does it anyway.
    • Alice doesn't need to sleep, but must rest in a semi-conscious trance for a few hours every day.
    • Alice only needs to sleep for one to two hours each night.
    • Alice is a member of a species that can function without sleep, but needs to sleep every once in a while to operate at full capacity.
  • Justified: Alice is a ghost and doesn't need to sleep.
    • Alice has a condition that prevents normally falling asleep.
  • Inverted: Alice doesn't need to be awake to do things normal people can do.
  • Subverted: Bob thinks Alice would be perfect for night shift since she's undead and doesn't need sleep, only to later find her sleeping on the job.
  • Double Subverted: Except Alice is pretending to sleep in front of Bob for a quick laugh.
  • Parodied: Alice keeps everyone up at night because she doesn't need to sleep.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice doesn't need to sleep, but occasionally does it when she's bored, but when she's really busy she can go days on end without sleep, and sometimes go days sleeping depending on her mood.
  • Averted: Alice needs sleep despite being a ghost.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Why would I waste precious time doing literally nothing when I can be spending my time enjoying myself?"
  • Defied: Alice desperately tries to sleep despite not needing to sleep.
  • Discussed: "What the hell do you even do all night if you're not sleeping?"
  • Implied: Alice works 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Deconstructed: Alice suffers from fatal insomnia; an ultra-rare form of insomnia where falling asleep is physically impossible, leading to progressively worsening sleep deprivation that mimics symptoms of dementia and insanity, followed by death.
    • Alice physically can't sleep, and while she doesn't suffer any physically or mentally damaging effects from not sleeping, she quickly runs out of things to do to pass the time, as well as gets lonely due to everyone else being asleep, leading to boredom, stress, anxiety and other mental problems.
  • Reconstructed: Turns out, she has complete immunity to insomnia and never suffers from sleep deprivation despite her lack of sleep. She still remains the same Alice with or without sleep, because she is an immortal, free from the concept of pain.

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