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Playing With / The One Guy

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Basic Trope: A male character is associated with a team of females.

  • Straight: Bob is the only male character of Alice's team.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: The Smurfette Principle
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
    • Each member takes turns being the guy.
    • Bob is the only character that is male. All the other ones, including background characters, are female.
    • Not only is he the only male in the work, Bob is also always The Ghost who's always off-screen.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • The guy that quit or got fired comes back.
    • Alice's team consists of four women and a Sex Shifter who is mainly male, but switches to female every now and then.
  • Averted:
    • The gender ratio is equal.
    • The team has multiple male and female members.
    • The team consists completely of one gender.
  • Enforced:
    • The producers want to appeal to a male audience, and fearing an Improbably Female Cast will give them no-one to empathize with, they add a male character.
    • The producers want to appeal to their female audience (or possibly their gay male audience) by adding a Mr. Fanservice to the cast.
    • The author is male but prefers designing/writing female characters. However, he also wants to have some male presence in the work, possibly as an Author Avatar.
  • Lampshaded: "You know Bob is the only guy in our group?"
  • Invoked:
    • Alice decides she could use a guy on the team for PR purposes.
    • Bob attempts to get a job on Alice's team so he can be surrounded by many a Amazonian Beauty.
  • Exploited: Bob either finds his dating pool on Alice's team, or uses insights about women he gains from the team to improve his romantic life.
  • Defied: Bob promptly quits his job once he knows he'll be surrounded by women.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied:
    • Bob is mentioned to be belonged in a group of an Amazon Brigade, but is never shown of his female teammates.
    • The team consists of two women, one man, and one member with an Ambiguous Gender.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is considered unmanly or Mistaken for Gay for hanging out with a team full of women.
    • Bob constantly feels awkward around the other team members. He's not quite One of the Girls, he is attracted to at least one of them, or both.
  • Reconstructed: Bob wises up and acknowledges his exact position within the group, acting as a support that the girls will never find among themselves.
  • Intended Audience Reaction: The show throughly explores how Bob becomes one of the women, how he co-ops with them, and how gets accepted/rejected by them, as well as his own personal growth when he's around the girls.
  • Played For Laughs: The team get strained. They claim they've become so desperate for intimacy with a male that they could throw themselves at any guy who walks by. When Bob reminds them that he's male, they either respond by saying "[They're] not that desperate yet." or "Wait a minute, you're a dude?!"
  • Played For Drama: Being the only boy in such a group makes Bob insecure and lonely.

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