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Playing With / The Notable Numeral

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Basic Trope: A team is named following the pattern 'The adjective number of members'.

  • Straight: The Eternal Eight is a group consisting of leader Alice, her advisor Lance, martial arts master Junho, former child genius Tory, cold-blooded sniper Miranda, pragmatic rogue Alex, Team Mom Laurel and Sid, their Tagalong Kid.
  • Exaggerated: The Eternal Eight are actually immortals who refused to be associated with anyone but each other.
  • Downplayed: The Eternal Eight have some affiliates like Wes their Mentor Mascot, but the only serious members of the group are the aforementioned eight.
  • Justified: Alice chose "Eternal Eight" due to their number and its association with infinity.
  • Inverted: Alice decides the perfect name for their team... The Eight of Eternity.
  • Subverted:
    • The members decide to change the name so that it doesn't sound cliche.
    • Alice and Lance decided to remove Sid from the lineup to protect him.
    • Seth joins the team midway on a mission.
  • Double Subverted:
    • In the end they realize Eternal Eight is the best choice for them after all.
    • They agree it should be renamed "The Ethereal Eight".
    • In exchange they add Nina, their messenger, to fill that spot.
    • He joins after Alex is Killed Off for Real.
    • Seth only joins since Tory is unable to help the team, and leaves when they get her back.
    • Laurel decides to leave after, meaning Seth can become an official member.
  • Parodied: The Eternal Eight have only three members.
  • Zig Zagged: The group started as The Extremist Eight, but change it to The Eternal Eight after some discussion. Alice and Lance then decide not to let Sid get involved by pulling him out, choosing Nina to replace him. Then on one mission Tory is abducted, but they call on affiliate Seth to help out until they get her back. However when they do Seth declares he wants to stay a part of the team, so Laurel steps down and offers him her spot so he can.
  • Averted: Alice's team name does not follow the pattern.
  • Enforced: "I mean, there are eight people in the team, and we want that Alliterative Name so... Eternal Eight anyone?"
  • Lampshaded: Alice's team is never given a name, but other characters say it involves their number and a descriptor they chose, though it's unclear in what order.
  • Invoked: Wes calls the group The Eternal Eight even with Ronnie in the line-up knowing he'll end up betraying the group.
  • Enforced Wes wants the group to use a generator to make their name, which only has two options that can be randomized, an adjective and a number.
  • Defied:
    Alice: "Oh, let's call ourselves the Eternal Eight!"
  • Discussed:
    Laurel: "Just so you know, Alice and Lance are discussed what our team name is going to be."
    Tory: [Deadpan] "Something tells me it's going to be 'The some adjective Eight' knowing her."
  • Conversed "You know I heard this was inspired by the Fantastic Four, so I suspect that the main team of this story will be named in a similar manner."
