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Playing With / The Ingenue

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Basic Trope: A young female character is naive and innocent, often to a fault.

  • Straight: Alice is 18 years old, still a virgin, knows little about sex, and believes everything she hears.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is 30 years old, hasn't had her first kiss, and still believes that babies come from the stork.
  • Downplayed: Alice is 15 years old and hasn't been on her first date yet.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Alice is the Femme Fatale.
  • Subverted: Alice is a Covert Pervert.
  • Double Subverted: Alice's alleged perversion turns out to be a false rumor or a misunderstanding.
  • Parodied: Alice is a lethally naive high school girl who takes candy from strangers, has never heard of sex, and falls victim to even the most mundane pranks on a regular basis.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice is innocent for her age, but at the same time, she seems to know more than one would think. However, she still tends to be gullible, but at the same time, has some surprising Covert Pervert moments. But they always turn out to be a misunderstanding.
  • Averted: Alice is not exceptionally innocent or naive.
  • Enforced: The writers want to depict a stereotypical "good girl".
  • Lampshaded: "Alice doesn't seem to understand what a cruel place the world is."
  • Invoked: Alice's parents shelter her and go to great lengths to preserve her innocence.
  • Exploited: The Big Bad takes advantage of her naivety to earn her trust, then subjects her to I Have You Now, My Pretty.
  • Defied: "I'm not going to be some naive goody two-shoes!"
  • Discussed: "Alice, You Need to Get Laid." "But I’m not a chicken."
  • Conversed: "That character, Alice, is so innocent that it’s annoying."
  • Deconstructed: Alice's innocence leads to her getting made fun of by her peers, and her naivety leads to her getting taken advantage of on a regular basis.
  • Reconstructed: Alice is able to brush off the ridicule she receives, and retains her innocence while still learning to be more careful about who she trusts.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice is the Butt-Monkey for the pranks she always falls victim to.
  • Played for Drama: Alice's naivety leads to her being raped on her first date.

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