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Playing With / The Drag-Along

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Basic Trope: A character who'd rather stay at home is dragged into the adventure by another character.

  • Straight: Alice would prefer to stay in her comfortable flat, but Bob and Charlie take her with them to Tropeland to fight Emperor Evulz.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice complains the whole time about having to go on the adventure, driving Bob and Charlie mad.
    • Bob drags four people with him to fight Evulz: Alice, Charlie, Dan, and Evan, who don't care about the quest at all.
    • A thousand people are voluntold or press-ganged at once as part of Bob's attempt to expand the anti-Evulz army.
  • Downplayed: Alice participates in the fight against Evulz with less enthusiasm than Bob and Charlie.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is scared witless of Evulz and/or doesn't believe it's possible to beat him. However, she's the only available White Mage they could get, so Bob and Charlie must take her with them.
    • Alice doesn't care about Tropeland. Why would she? It's not Earth, after all. However, she's the only White Mage available, so she must go.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is absolutely excited about the prospect of going on an ADVENTURE! (see: Jumped at the Call) But Bob and Charlie try to keep her out of harm's way, regardless of what she thinks about it.
    • Lady Rubliss would very much like to stay at home and groom her pets, but Clay, Butcherstein, Dracone, and Evulz drag her along to Tropeland to fight Bob.
  • Subverted: Alice isn't very enthusiastic about fighting Evulz... but then he kidnaps her son, and now It's Personal.
  • Double Subverted: ...but after recovering her son, she reverts back to her drag-along behavior.
  • Parodied: Alice has to be literally dragged along by Charlie or Bob, because if they let her go, she instantly starts running away home.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice has no particular feeling for fighting Evulz and joins the adventuring party out of curiosity.
  • Enforced: Alice is an Author Avatar, and just the author, she would rather stay at her home's safety than risking her life by fighting absurdly powerful villains.
  • Lampshaded: "You don't really want to be there, do you?"
  • Invoked: Evulz's minions deliberately discourage Alice from going, so that Bob and Charlie would have no mage on their team.
  • Exploited: Seeing how Alice really doesn't want to be there, Evulz proposes her teleportation back home, thus taking away Charlie's and Bob's only mage.
  • Defied: To avoid the situation where Alice would keep on complaining and act without enthusiasm, Bob and Charlie enlist help of Diana, who's only a Red Mage, but eager to join them.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: Bob, Charlie and Alice poke fun at an anime character who's a Butt-Monkey drag-along.
  • Implied: Alice is often seen sulking in the background, has grumpy attitude throughout the adventure and often murmurs something along the lines of "You're all insane!". However, we're never told why.
  • Played For Drama: Alice accuses Bob and Charlie of kidnapping. Surprisingly Realistic Outcome.
  • Deconstructed: Since Bob and Charlie brought Alice with them against her will, she treats them like the kidnappers they are and has absolutely no loyalty toward them or their cause, betraying them if she gets the chance and possibly aiding Evulz since he hasn’t actually done anything to her.

I don't wanna be here... I'd rather return to The Drag-Along...
