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Playing With / The Cover Changes the Meaning

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Basic Trope: A cover of the song which has a different meaning than the original song.

  • Straight: Singing Sandra's hit is a typical tragic love song. When Weird Alicia covers the song, she makes it about the fun of playing video games.
  • Exaggerated:
    • A happy love song becomes a song about a girl that hates school and decides to escape. This is the Weird Alicia cover that's closest to the original song.
    • A happy love song becomes a song about piracy, violence, murder, torture, rape, bestiality, and speeding.
  • Downplayed:
    • Sandra's original song was about a girl's love for her family. Weird Alicia's cover is about a girl's love for her pets.
    • The original was an apologizing breakup song, the cover is a grieving remembrance song.
  • Justified: Alicia wants that her songs stand out from the originals.
  • Inverted: Weird Alicia's lyrics are changed completely, but the meaning of the song is exactly the same.
  • Subverted: "I love video games, I could play them all day, (...) But it's worth nothing when I don't have him by my side."
  • Double Subverted: "I'm just kidding. I don't need a lover or a life as long as I have video games."
  • Parodied: When Weird Alicia rewrites the lyrics of a song, she always makes Word Salad Lyrics.
  • Zig Zagged: Weird Alicia's covers may or may not change the meaning of the songs.
  • Averted: Weird Alicia writes her own songs.
  • Enforced: See Justified.
  • Lampshaded: "Does Weird Alicia ever make a cover whose meaning is close to the original song?"
  • Invoked: Someone suggests that Weird Alicia rewrite the lyrics of the songs she covers to make them different from the originals.
  • Exploited: Greedy record executives use Alicia's version to generate more publicity for Sandra.
  • Defied: Weird Alicia's covers keep the original lyrics because she fears that rewriting the lyrics would cause a backlash.
  • Discussed: "So Weird Alicia does covers. It won't surprise me if the meaning of the songs is completely different from the original."
  • Conversed: "Other people do covers and completely change the lyrics, but not me."
  • Deconstructed: People think Weird Alicia's covers are disrespectful to the original songs.
  • Played For Laughs: Weird Alicia's covers make fun of the original songs. They may or may not become more popular.
  • Played For Drama: Weird Alicia makes light-hearted covers of songs about serious issues. There's intense debate whether Alicia is just a girl who wants to write fun and happy songs or an insensitive Jerkass that makes fun of tragedies.

Read the White & Nerdy version HERE.
