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Playing With / Surprise Checkmate

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Basic Trope: A chess player is surprised at being checkmated.

  • Straight: Whitney and Blake are playing chess. Whitney surprises Blake by checkmating him.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Blake has a massive advantage and has been taunting Whitney about her "inevitable loss" for half the game. Then he checks Whitney... and she responds by checkmating him.
    • Blake, who's supposed to be a skilled player, falls for the Fool's Mate and genuinely did not see it coming.
  • Downplayed:
    • Before he was checkmated, Blake knew that he was losing. He just thought he could last a few more moves than he did.
    • Whitney makes a move, and Blake suddenly realizes that he just stepped into a mate in four.
    • Whitney is in a losing position, but surprises Blake with a swindle that salvages a draw.
  • Justified:
    • Blake didn't foresee Whitney's attack because he wasn't paying attention and/or just sucks at chess.
    • Blake was in serious time trouble, and failed to notice one of Whitney's mate threats.
    • Whitney pulled a brilliant swindle that Blake missed the point of.
    • Blake has spent most of his time playing against professionals and thus hasn't dealt with the amateur/novice/wtf moves employed by Whitney in way too long.
    • A very awkward board position makes Blake miss an incoming checkmate.
    • Whitney is a chess hustler who sometimes manipulates the board when her opponent isn't looking. Blake didn't notice what she had done before it was too late.
  • Inverted:
    • Blake makes a random move, and is shocked when he discovers that he just checkmated Whitney.
    • Blake is relieved after Whitney misses an obvious mate-in-one.
    • Whitney accidentally stalemates Blake.
  • Subverted:
    • Whitney claims she has checkmated Blake. He's surprised for a few seconds before discovering that it's not checkmate. He breaks the check in his next move, and they keep playing.
    • Whitney responds to Blake's check with a checkmate. Blake was expecting it; the checking move was one last desperate attempt to get out of his hopeless situation.
  • Double Subverted: Whitney's next move checkmates Blake for real.
  • Parodied:
    • Whitney, who has a losing position, makes a move and excitedly proclaims "Checkmate! I win! You lose! Hahaha!". Blake then tells her that (1) her move was illegal, and (2) even if it were legal, it still wouldn't be checkmate.
    • The entire chess game is a comedy of errors, culminating in both players missing a mate-in-one for ten consecutive moves. Blake is shocked once Whitney finally spots it.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Blake knows his position is lost well before he's finally checkmated.
    • Blake realizes his position is hopelessly lost and resigns.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "You really didn't see that checkmate coming?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Blake calculates and finds a move that prevents Whitney from checkmating him.
  • Discussed: "No thanks, I don't want to play chess. I suck so much that I'd probably end up falling for a simple checkmate."
  • Conversed: "How come the idiots on TV never seem to see a freaking mate-in-one coming?"
  • Played For Laughs: Blake throws a tantrum and launches into Ocular Gushers after losing the game he was so sure to win.
  • Played For Drama:
    • The chess game is used to illustrate Blake's crippling lack of foresight.
    • Blake is playing Chess with Death and thinks it's going well, only to suffer a surprise checkmate.

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