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Playing With / Sudden Intelligence

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Basic Trope: The character becomes very intelligent in such little time, due to some outside means.

  • Straight: Alice tends to say the wrong things at the wrong people, refuses to talk to people, and yells too loudly, but when she was given a gift from her friend, Bob, her IQ is over 200.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice acts quite stupid to the point of being extraordinarily life-threatening to everyone around her, but when she gets a football helmet from Bob, which is actually an extremely advanced, durable helmet that is made by the smartest of people in existence, she instantaneously and permanently becomes The Omniscient, beyond time, space and all of her stupidity has forever been obliterated from all timelines, space and memories of all who know her as the "idiot".
    • Not only Alice immediately became a supergenius, she made other people immediately enlightened. They literally cannot refuse to listen to her. Her sudden intelligence spreads like a virus.
  • Downplayed: Alice has been doing stupid act after another. But after short while, she starts doing something intelligent, but it's nothing completely out of the ordinary.
  • Justified:
    • Bob and his friends had enough of this unlikable flaw of Alice, so they decided to get her to function better by several means to do so.
    • Bob and his friends are getting beyond angry and annoyed to Alice's irrational antics, so they decided to find a means to force her to see that being overly stupid and not knowing things that a teenager or adult should know will not be excusable in the future, the next time she screws up.
    • Alice's intelligence skyrocketed because when she was touching a particular genius' invention and uses it without knowing what it actually is, her personality completely changes.
    • Somebody she knew wanted her to be more realistic and smarter for the present and the future, so they gave her something that is beyond human capacity to give her the sufficient intelligence in seconds.
  • Inverted: Alice's intelligence went downhill even lower than it should have been.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: ...Until at the last moment, when she was going to mess up again, she magically hesitated and spoke rather eloquently.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Her Alices keeps going from doing idiotic, asinine things to suddenly thoughtful, rational, intelligent things for a while.
  • Averted: Nothing and no one had her intelligent instantly. She had to be smart over time.
  • Enforced: "Hmm...We need to find a way to make the character likable by instantly making her a supergenius."
  • Lampshaded: "Why she gotten so smart so soon? It looks like her idiocy wasn't going to last forever, anyway."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Because her intelligence was suddenly enhanced to extreme levels, people are wondering if she was intentionally acting stupid and irrational to conceal her actual, superior intelligence and knowingly do these idiotic things because it's conveniently amusing her to torture her victims.
  • Reconstructed: Despite the sudden rise in intelligence, Alice realizes she can find new friends who accept her new, intelligent self and helps the community with the things she never had done before while being unintelligent.

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