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Playing With / Stop Being Stereotypical

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Basic trope: A person of a certain social group hates someone else of the same one for perpetuating stereotypes of that group.

  • Straight: Maya, a Jewish girl, hates Lisa, another Jewish girl, for following Jewish stereotypes such as complaining, hypochondria, being cheap, and being greedy.
  • Exaggerated: Lisa embodies every Jewish stereotype possible and Maya tries to kill her for it.
  • Downplayed: Lisa follows just one Jewish stereotype, and Maya is just annoyed by it.
  • Justified: Maya has been called "cheap" or "hypochondriac" many times just because she's Jewish, and she doesn't want to make it worse.
  • Inverted:
    • Maya hates Lisa for not following stereotypes because she thinks it's good to follow them.
    • Maya wishes she followed the stereotypes Lisa does
  • Subverted: Maya gets annoyed by Lisa's stereotypical behavior, but she learns to accept it later.
  • Double Subverted:Then someone makes fun of Lisa, and Maya starts hating her again.
  • Parodied:
    • Maya yells at anything that resembles a Jewish stereotype.
    • Maya's friends try to keep anyone who follows Jewish stereotypes away from her to prevent her from going crazy.
    • Maya yells out "Oy vey!" and goes on a tangent every time someone does something even remotely Jewish, or even accuses her of being a Jewish Stereotype!
  • Averted:
    • Maya does not hate Lisa for following stereotypes.
    • Lisa does not follow stereotypes.
  • Defied: Maya tried her hardest not to hate Lisa, even if she is a walking stereotype.
  • Lampshaded: "Of course Maya hates Lisa for being a Jewish stereotype. Maya is a Jew too, and she doesn't want Lisa putting a bad name on Jews."
  • Discussed: "Uh oh, Lisa is a walking Jewish stereotype. Maya is a Jew, so she is not going to like her."
  • Conversed: "Wow, this character really hates that one for following stereotypes. I don't blame them, but it's a little extreme, don't you think?"
  • Implied: Lisa acts like a walking Jewish stereotype in front of Maya. It is unknown if she is mad at her for it, but Maya is quick to walk away from her.
  • Played for Laughs: Maya goes hilariously berserk when Lisa gets a little greedy or complains a bit.
  • Played for Drama::
    • Lisa and Maya are part of a fictional minority that has natural instincts which make them self-destructive or dangerously vicious, which makes them more likely to be killed. Maya had already struggled to fight off these instincts, and she is desperate to help Lisa do the same so she won't be in danger.
    • Maya comes from a location where those stereotypes were used to denigrate and dehumanize Jews, but despite that, some progress has been made towards Jewish rights. Lisa is unaware of the location's history and she ends up setting back Jewish rights by acting in a stereotypical manner. This then causes friction between her and Maya.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Sometimes there are good reasons for people to act in ways that can be deemed stereotypical. Lisa lives frugally because she's poor, but Maya accuses her of being miserly and giving Jews a bad name, pressuring her to spend money she doesn't have until she goes into serious debt.
    • Avoiding some stereotypes can mean falling into others. Alice, a Butch Lesbian, gets accused by Beth of setting back gay rights with her appearance and mannerisms, and making it harder for femme lesbians to be recognised. So Alice becomes more girly, only for others to accuse her of being a stereotypical woman.
    • Maya is so obsessed with avoiding stereotypes that she bullies Lisa for having a big, stereotypically Jewish nose, even though that's an inherent trait. She comes off as a self-hating bully because of her extreme attitude.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Lisa really is rich and miserly. Maya, who's poor and has to budget, calls her out on making life harder for Jews with good reasons to save money.
    • It isn't Alice's butchness per se that Beth hates. It's the fact that Alice is butch in a way that perpetuates toxic beliefs; she's a Jerk Jock, a psycho, and a perpetually angry man-hater.
