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Playing With / Status Quo Is God

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Basic Trope: A series' status quo never changes.

  • Straight: Bob frequently loses his job, but always gets it back by the end of the episode.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • The cast changes regularly, but the situation is always the same, so the show will always have the same setting.
    • The status quo does change, but very slowly or only through season premieres and finales.
  • Justified:
    • The writers want the audience to be instantly familiar with the show's premise, and not have to worry about changes in the show's continuity.
    • The writers want viewers who stop watching the show to be able to jump back in at any time and not be confused over anything.
    • The writers want viewers to be able to understand what's going on no matter what order the network shows the reruns in.
    • The world is stuck in a "Groundhog Day" Loop.
  • Inverted: Every episode of the series changes the status quo, and the show follows one big arc.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • The events leading to the change in status quo were All Just a Dream, and everything is back to normal once again.
    • This time, Bob doesn't get his job back at the end of the episode, but the next episode shows him working his old job.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes changes to the status quo stick, and sometimes they don't.
  • Averted: There is an actual ongoing continuity in the series. Drastic changes to the story tend to stick, and are not just conveniently reset at the end.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked:
    • Ignored Epiphany: When the character rejects change.
    • A change occurs that threatens to shake up the series' dynamics, so the characters scramble to prevent the change from messing with the show.
  • Exploited: The characters frequently go straight to the Godzilla Threshold when solving problems, because any collateral damage caused will have disappeared by the next episode and all the characters know it.
  • Defied:
    • Bob finally asks himself why the hell he keeps going back to the job if he's so inept at it that he can't go a day without losing it. The next time he loses the job, he resolves to leave it behind and find a job that he's actually good at.
    • Bob has had enough of letting the status quo push him and others around saying what they can and cannot do, he challenges it and wins and changes it. Depending on his morality if evil he changes it for the worse, but if good he obliterates the status quo so the rich and powerful are made sure that they have to follow certain moral procedures in order for them to stay rich and powerful, basically some checks and balances are added against the status quo to protect the people from being exploited and extorted and oppressed for many generations. In short if he is good he changes it for the better.
    • Bob's status quo will change even if he has to put a gun to the face of his (metaphorical) god to make it happen.
    • The authors of "Alice and Bob: The Series" will see the status quo changed even if they have to put it on the air in ways that risk getting them fired.
  • Discussed: "Just imagine, if everything stayed the same then!"
  • Conversed: Alice: "This show is so boring Bob, nothing ever changes here...!"
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed: However, people realize that, whilst the show's continuity might remain static, it still had genuine merits, and they continue watching it.
  • Played For Laughs: Characters reference the status quo never changing for Lampshade Hanging gags.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice, realizing that the status quo is god, murders several characters under the justification that they'll come back anyway.
    • Every episode ends with Alice being forced to return to people who abuse her.

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