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Playing With / Staged Populist Uprising

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Basic Tropes: La RĂ©sistance was orchestrated by the Rich and Powerful.

  • Straight: Baron von Badguy and Countess Cruella fund the local Revolutionary Front, to upset the regime of their rival Emperor Evulz. They plant popular figureheads and revolutionary leaders to dupe the masses so that they can increase their own power.
  • Exaggerated: The Revolutionary Front is completely funded and propped up by Baron von Badguy and Countess Cruella. All of their manpower, weaponry, literature, and rebellious philosophies are endorsed and even publically sponsored by the Decadent Court.
  • Downplayed: The companies von Badguy and Cruella own sell anti-authoritarian merchandise.
  • Justified: The resistance organizations are very stupid, easily manipulated, and have no idea they're being used.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: It turns out that Baron von Badguy and Countess Cruella were deliberately setting up the Revolutionary Front for failure. They were on Evulz's side from day one, and created a rebel group to weed out dissidents.
  • Doubly Subverted: But then Duchess Dahlias feels sympathetic and begins helping out the rebels herself.
  • Parodied: Every aristocrat, upper-class, and upper-middle class person is supporting the Revolutionary Front to upset Evulz reign, even EVULZ himself!
  • Averted: None of the nobility support the Revolutionary Front at all.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Multiple different elitist factions begin competing for the liberterian/anarchist populations, giving speeches on how their rich and powerful rivals are sponsoring fanatic movements (omitting their own hypocrisy).
  • Exploited:
    • Evulz knows what his Decadent Court is plotting, so he can expose it to the rebels at the right time
    • "Do these people not know that they're puppets for the elites they hate?" is the rhetoric Evulz and his supporters use to crush the morale of their enemies.
  • Defied: The aristocrats find the very prospect of supporting the Revolutionary Front abhorrent
  • Discussed: "Our revolution is getting a lot of money. I wonder where it's coming from..."
  • Conversed: "Yeah, we're supporting the ideologies and philosophies endorsed by big corperations and governemnt and obeying every command our openly evil oligarchs give us, but we're still rebelling against the system because we have different reasons".
  • Implied: The Revolutionary Front is never stated to be endorsed by the elite, but it is somewhat odd that they're only targeting public monuments and local businesses instead of government buildings and the mansions of the elite.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Badguy and Cruella cannot control the movement they started, and the Revolutionary Front soon turns on them as well as Evulz.
  • Reconstructed: Badguy and Cruella take care to bribe the "true believers" of the Revolutionary Front into supporting their reign.
  • Played for Laughs: Badguy and Cruella put on a Paper-Thin Disguise to pose as "insurgents." Everybody but Bob falls for it.
  • Played for Drama: Bob was a true believer in the Revolutionary Front, and he is totally broken by the realization that it was all a lie. After he is hunted down by his former rebels for knowing too much, he is forced to ally with the one person who could dismantle the revolution, Evulz.
  • Played for Horror:
