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Playing With / Sniff Sniff Nom

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Basic Trope: Someone is trying to see what something is, and tastes it after giving it a sniff.

  • Straight: When Alice and Bob are investigating something, Alice asks Bob to try and see what a mysterious substance is. Bob sniffs it, and then tastes it.
  • Exaggerated: Bob's way of investigating is going around licking everything.
  • Downplayed: Bob only does this to objects he knows are food, but even then, he takes some time thinking about it.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is The Ditz.
    • Bob is immortal, or otherwise immune to poisoning, or knows the object isn't poisonous.
    • The substance is a food.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice asks Bob to taste a food. Instead, he looks at it.
    • Bob is trying to identify a food without tasting.
  • Subverted: Bob lifts his finger full of substance to his mouth but decides against tasting it.
  • Double Subverted: He then says, "Oh, what the heck?" and tastes it.
  • Parodied: They have Sniffer Dogs, but also Taster Dogs.
  • Averted: Nobody tastes mysterious substances.
  • Zigzagged: Bob has a good long think about it before actually tasting the substance.
  • Enforced: To set Bob up as The Ditz while throwing in some comedy.
  • Lampshaded: "Are you sure eating it to find out what it is wise, Bob? After all, we don't know what it is."
  • Invoked: Alice actually tells Bob to taste it for some reason.
  • Exploited: Bob is an Extreme Omnivore and can identify things by tasting them.
  • Defied: Bob refuses to taste things when he doesn't know what they are or where they came from.
  • Discussed: "No, Bob! Don't eat it!" "Maybe I'll find out what it is if I do." "But it could be dangerous!", etc, etc.
  • Conversed: "Could that Bob character get any dumber? That's clearly not food!"
  • Implied: The first scene is Alice, Bob, and the object, and them trying to find out what it is. The next scene, the object has a bite out of it.
  • Deconstructed: Bob dies after eating something poisonous.
  • Reconstructed: Bob only tastes things he knows are not poisonous at least.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob tastes the object, does a Spit Take, and shouts, "It Tastes Like Feet!"
  • Played for Drama: Bob gets poisoned, leaving Alice to have to Find the Cure!.

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