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Playing With / Smart Bomb

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Basic Trope: A consumable item or other limited-use action that wipes out all onscreen enemies.

  • Straight: Trope Gunners gives the player a limited amount of Antimatter Bombs when they start the game. These consumable items will destroy all enemies on the screen when used.
  • Exaggerated: The blast radius on the Antimatter Bombs is so big, it can wipe out enemies that haven't even entered the screen yet, preventing them from spawning for a little while.
  • Downplayed:
    • The Antimatter Bombs wipe out enemies in a large radius around you, but not everything on screen.
    • The Antimatter Bombs may hit every enemy on-screen, but not necessarily destroy them in one hit (especially if they're Elite Mooks).
  • Justified: Antimatter creates a really huge explosion, perfect for wiping out tons of weak enemy spaceships, when it collides with normal matter.
  • Inverted: Antimatter Bombs are extremely precise weapons that hunt down and annihilate a single enemy... just like most real life smart bombs.
  • Subverted: After being given your Antimatter Bombs, you're told by mission control:
    You've heard about how these can wipe out entire fleets of spaceships at once, right? Well, just so you know, these are turned down to 10% power, so they can't just blow up everything. The full-power ones cause too much collateral damage... and we wouldn't trust a new recruit like you with them, anyway.
  • Double Subverted: After proving themselves, the player character gets access to full-yield Antimatter Bombs that do destroy all enemies on screen.
  • Parodied: The Antimatter Bomb is a literal smart bomb. When activated, it starts droning on about complex mathematical and scientific subjects until the enemy pilots are so bored, they fall asleep, lose control of their ships, and crash.
  • Zig-Zagged: The "full-yield" Antimatter Bombs still don't wipe out everything on the screen.
  • Averted: There are no weapons that can clear the entire screen of enemies.
  • Enforced:
    • Trope Gunners initially didn't have Antimatter Bombs, but they were added later on to bait players into spending real money on them.
    • The arcade version of Trope Gunners had a input handling time of .01 seconds, which the console ports couldn't match, so the smart bombs were added to allow players to get through the now otherwise impassible sections in am attempt to prevent the game from becoming a Porting Disaster.
  • Lampshaded: "Normally, I'd be afraid of a huge fleet of Empire-operated ships like that... but not when we're packing Antimatter Bombs! We'd better be cautious with them, though, since we're only packing three..."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: The Big Bad decides to build a few ships that are immune to Antimatter Bombs, letting them come in and attack the player when they think they're safe.
  • Defied: Before the events of the game, all of the Antimatter Bombs were decommissioned due to how dangerous they were.
  • Discussed: "Quick, run! He's deploying an Antimatter Bomb! If we don't get out of his sight in a few seconds, we're done for!"
  • Conversed: "That bomb weapon is so cool. Too bad you only get a couple."
  • Deconstructed: Activating the Antimatter Bomb instantly kills you as well. What, you thought you'd be immune to such a powerful blast?
  • Reconstructed: The Antimatter Bomb's animation has your ship zooming away at incredible speed after deploying it, being outside of the blast radius, then returning after the explosion.

There's no way you can handle all the enemies back at the main page! Unless, of course, you pop a Smart Bomb on them...
