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Playing With / Single-Issue Wonk

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Basic Trope: A person who is generally pleasant- except for one issue.

  • Straight: On the fan forum for Super Troper Squad Z, Bob is a nice person- unless you bring up whether Alice or Carol should be paired with Danny.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is kind, respectful, and polite- but mentioning that Danny's sword-hilt was changed from blue to green causes him to start a one-man Flame War against all comers.
  • Downplayed: Although Bob can get rather irritable over Danny x Alice vs Danny x Carol, he still stays reasonable.
  • Justified: Bob relates to Danny, and he is interested in a girl similar to Alice.
  • Inverted: Bob is a merciless Troll... but he'll calm down and have a polite discussion when the topic of Pirates vs. Ninjas is brought up.
  • Subverted: Bob flares up when Danny-shipping is mentioned, but the next day he apologizes and clarifies that that was because he had a flu. Once he gets well, he goes back to being polite.
  • Double Subverted: But then Bob flares up 'again' when a new discussion on the subject opens, showing the whole flu thing was just an excuse.
  • Parodied: Bob goes into an extreme anger over Danny-shipping even when it's inappropriate to do so, and is portrayed as obnoxious for it.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob seems to go back and fourth on this behavior whenever the topic comes up.
  • Averted: Bob is an average poster- sometimes polite, sometimes irritable.
  • Enforced: The forum Bob visits was specifically designed for this sort of behavior.
  • Lampshaded:
    Jimmy: Gee, Bob sure seems nice.
    Kaleb: Yeah, but whatever you do, don't talk about shipping around him...
  • Invoked: Bob is a troll trying to depict someone with this behavior.
  • Exploited: Alternatively, a troll intentionally tries to provoke this behavior from Bob for laughs.
  • Defied: Danny-shipping is a touchy subject for Bob, but he promises he won't behave this way and keeps his word on it.
  • Discussed: "Gosh, it's like it's all that guy ever talks about!"
  • Conversed: "Look at that single-issue wonk...He's usually a nice guy, but he's been at it for hours!"
  • Implied: Bob has many sane and rational posts all over multiple threads covering multiple subjects... except for the Shipping Threads, where any posts he makes there are hidden behind a Moderator Thump. Some thumps read "This post was thumped by moderation to preserve the dignity of the author" and some thumps read "Thumped for taking troll bait. Feeding a troll. Bad idea."

Back to Single-Issue Wonk... and you'd better use this link, not the one at the top of the page!!!
