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Playing With / Sibling Team

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Basic Trope: Siblings who work together well and generally are a force to be reckoned with

  • Played Straight: Bob and John are brothers who get along and go on adventures.
  • Exaggerated: Bob and John work together so well due to their bond as siblings that they practically can read each other's minds
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob and John work together often due to knowing each other their whole lives, but they still have problems in their relationship and sometimes miscommunicate.
    • Bob and John are cousins who get along and go on adventures.
  • Justified: Since Bob and John have known each other for so long, working together comes naturally.
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: Bob and John are brothers with clashing personalities, so they have an extremely difficult time working together.
  • Double Subverted: Bob and John have clashing personalities, but eventually learn to overcome their differences and become a force to be reckoned with.
  • Parodied: Bob and John have been inseparable since birth and cannot function without each other.
  • Zig-zagged: Bob and John have clashing personalities, try to learn to work together, but then ultimately come to the conclusion that they simply cannot work together.
  • Averted: Bob and John are siblings but don't spend a lot of time together.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Those brothers sure work well together."

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