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Playing With / Shower of Awkward

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Basic Trope: A character walks awkwardly in on another character in the shower.

  • Straight: Alice walks in on her roommate Bob in the shower. Both then squeal as Bob pulls the curtain around himself while Alice hightails it out of there.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is an Accidental Pervert and while looking for the women's shower room after a match of football, she walks into the men's shower room by accident, accidentally catching a dozen or so men in the shower. Later on, Bob accidentally walks into the women's shower room while Alice and her teammates are in the shower.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice almost walks in on Bob in the shower, but she manages to hear the shower running just in time.
    • Alice walks in on Bob in the shower, but Bob doesn't notice or he doesn't find it all that embarrassing.
  • Justified: Bob forgot to lock the door or the door doesn't lock and Alice was having a Potty Emergency.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is a pervert and tries to walk in on Bob in the shower, but fails awkwardly.
    • Bob gets out of the shower but in the living room, Alice sees him naked. Both blush and squeal.
  • Subverted: Alice walks in on Bob in the shower, but handles it elegantly.
  • Double Subverted: Alice handles it well at first, but she eventually succumbs to the awkwardness.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zigzagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice does not walk in on Bob in the shower.
  • Enforced: To add Fanservice and/or Cringe Comedy.
  • Lampshaded: "GAH, Bob, I didn't know you were in the shower!"
  • Invoked: Charlie, an alien, tries to study how humans act when they are embarrassed so he walks in on Alice and Bob when they take showers.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied:
    • Alice listens to make sure the shower is not running.
    • Bob locks the door.
  • Discussed: "Isn't it embarrassing when you accidentally walk in on someone when they're in the shower?" "...Who starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!"
  • Conversed: "Those Cringe Comedy scenes with showers get me every time."
  • Implied: Alice is seen walking into the bathroom when the shower can be heard working, then someone is heard screaming and Alice runs out of the bathroom, apologizing rapidly.
  • Deconstructed: Bob assumes Alice is harassing him and refuses to accept that it was accidental. She gets in serious trouble.
  • Reconstructed: ???
  • Played for Laughs: Cringe Comedy.
  • Played for Drama: Bob is insecure, and angsts the whole day about Alice accidentally seeing him naked.

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