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Playing With / Sex Slave

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Basic Trope: A character is forced to be a sex slave.

  • Straight:
    • After being captured by Emperor Evulz, Alice is forced to be his sex slave.
    • Bob is captured by Lady Rubliss and is forced to be her sex slave.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is forced to service everyone in Evulz's empire, both man and women.
  • Downplayed: Alice is forced to be naked at all times, serve as furniture and frequently groped, but isn't actually penetrated.
  • Justified:
    • Evulz is a sick bastard.
    • If he could sire a son from Princess Alice, Evulz's rule will be legitimized.
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted:
    • Evulz and Alice are consensual lovers, and the sex slave thing is just an elaborate roleplay.
    • Evulz turns out to be gay, and therefore uninterested in Alice.
  • Double Subverted:
    • One day, Alice uses the safe word and Evulz ignores her.
    • Alice's relationship with Evulz is consensual but he still allows his guards to use her as a sex slave.
    • Evulz then takes Alice's brother, Alex, to be his sex slave.
  • Parodied: While imprisoned, Alice strips herself naked and declares herself "Evulz's sex slave" despite not actually being so.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Alice is enslaved, but not for sex. However, numerous characters attempt to rape her anyways.
    • Alice is placed in a position that has numerous duties, and can command respect in certain areas. However, one of those duties happens to be servicing any man who should ask it of her.
  • Averted: Nobody is enslaved to serve sexual desires in the work.
  • Enforced: The author wants to make clear how much of a Complete Monster Evulz is.
  • Lampshaded: Alice points out that, as a female who's been captured, Evulz is likely going to rape her.
  • Invoked: Alice secretly has a rape fantasy, and so she allows herself to be captured, knowing that her fantasy will come true.
  • Exploited: Alice has numerous STDs which she passes onto Evulz and his men.
  • Defied: Evulz is disgusted by rape and has Alice merely imprisoned, surveilling her cell himself and executing any guard who attempts to assault her.
  • Discussed: While Alice is captured Evulz tells her how her situation differs from the popular portrayal of sex slaves in media.
  • Conversed: Two characters have a Seinfeldian Conversation about the use of the Sex Slave trope in media.
  • Implied: When Alice is finally rescued, she is seen naked and chained up in her cell. After her rescue, she Hates Being Touched, Does Not Like Men, and breaks down in tears or flies into a rage whenever she sees or hears of Evulz.
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama: Alice is a Broken Bird by the time she is rescued.
  • Played for Horror: invokedWe're shown exactly what sorts of horrendous conditions Alice is kept in, what happens if she or one of her peers refuses to comply, what sorts of monsters show up to be clients while very few of them are ever punished... in other words, the portrayal is completely realistic.

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