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Playing With / Sex Miseducation Class

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Basic Trope: Sex education classes that are uninformative.

  • Straight: Mr. Troperson's sexual education class mostly just consists of telling his students not to have sex, or they will die.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The "sexual education class" doesn't even mention anything about reproduction or puberty whatsoever.
    • The class tells students not to have sex, or else the entire universe will implode on itself.
    • The sexual education class is not only wrong about sex but it warns that signs of puberty are signs of severe terminal illness!
  • Downplayed: The class is legitimately informative, but misses some crucial details and Mr. Troperson often preaches his "Sex Is Evil" views for no reason.
  • Justified:
    • The school doesn't put a lot of effort into funding sexual education.
    • Mr. Troperson doesn't like sex for whatever reason and is trying to discourage his students from doing it.
    • The school's sex ed curriculum has suffered from major In-Universe Executive Meddling from fighting busybodies, school board members, and governors.
    • It was considered accurate Sex-Ed during the 1950s setting of the story.
    • Mr. Troperson himself doesn't actually know anything about sex.
    • The school is conservative and demanded abstinence-only sex ed classes.
  • Inverted:
    • Sex education classes are the most informative class in the entire school.
    • Sexual education classes go into so much detail they describe how every sexual fetish was practiced, how it can be done safely (if possible), and the legal and ethical implications.
  • Subverted: Although Mr. Troperson is believed to be teaching false information about sex, he's actually teaching about how non-humans reproduce.
  • Double Subverted:
    • In a place where it doesn't belong, though.
    • He was lying.
    • Mr. Troperson is talking about the reproduction of non-human species in appropriate context, but he's still getting it wrong.
  • Parodied: The teacher gets sidetracked by his analogies and just goes on a tangent about something completely unrelated.
  • Zig-Zagged: Mr. Troperson's class is very through in documenting every type of variational development and known reproductive system disease but lacks any practical details. Although the diseases including testicular torsion and relevant forms of cancer is at least circumstantially useful for long-term health.
  • Averted:
    • Sexual education is never mentioned.
    • Sexual education classes are informative.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: Mr. Troperson isn't happy about the class and notes. "Here is the carefully curated selection of opinions and fractional facts they approved this year."
  • Invoked: Mr. Troperson is disgruntled and deliberately half-asses the job.
  • Implied: The contents of the class aren't shown in detail but Carrole's reaction afterwards is a Flat "What".
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied:
    • Mr. Troperson is found to be teaching incorrect messages and is fired.
    • Mr. Troperson tries to be as informative as possible, making sure to do the appropriate research and being willing to answer questions that the students have.
  • Discussed: "Wow, that class wasn't informative at all."
  • Conversed: "The students are taking a sexual education class in this episode. Who's gonna bet that they'll just be taught Blatant Lies?"
  • Played for Laughs: The terribly prudish and uninformative course is held nonsensically at a brothel where even the green recruits know far better.
  • Played for Drama: Alice and Bob, two of Mr. Troperson's students, keep hearing "Never have sex" from him without knowing exactly why, and are interested in doing it. Due to their lack of understanding of how sex works, it goes wrong and Alice gets pregnant.
  • Deconstructed: Because of how uninformative the class is, the students end up learning nothing about reproduction and puberty, resulting in them having serious misconceptions.
  • Reconstructed: The students are pointed in the direction of a much better resource to help them accurately answer any questions they may have.

If you head back to Sex Miseducation Class you might get pregnant regardless of age or gender!
