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Playing With / Secret Message Wink

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Basic Trope: Winking at someone to secretly get a message across.

  • Straight: Alice lies about something, and then winks at Bob to remind him she's being insincere.
  • Exaggerated: Alice winks at Bob multiple times after lying to make it extra clear he gets the message.
  • Downplayed: Alice quickly glances in Bob's direction to remind him she's lying.
  • Justified: Alice is Bound and Gagged, so she can't communicate with him through talking or hand signals.
  • Inverted: Alice winks at Bob to let him know she has no secrets.
  • Subverted: Alice appears to be winking conspiratorially at Bob, but it turns out she just has some dust in her eye.
  • Double Subverted: The dust was getting in the way of her winking, so she gets it out and gives him a real wink.
  • Parodied: Alice lies and then winks at Bob, who asks, "Is there something wrong with your eye?"
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice winks after sentences sporadically, no matter who she's talking to or what she's saying. Sometimes she has something to hide, and sometimes she doesn't.
  • Averted:
    • Alice doesn't wink to get her message across.
    • Nobody exchanges secret messages.
  • Enforced: Executives tell the director that Alice is too cold and having her give Bob a wink after telling a lie would not only signal her insincerity, but also be a sign she's warming up to him.
  • Lampshaded: "Wink, wink! See, I'm winking to secretly remind you that I'm actually lying."
  • Invoked: Alice has seen tons of spy movies where the spies secretly wink at their assistants whenever they're lying, so she tries it to see if Bob catches on.
  • Exploited: Alice winks at Bob to trick the enemy into thinking they're hiding something.
  • Defied: Bob tells Alice to give him a wink as a signal. She thinks that's too obvious, so she decides to quickly nod at him instead.
  • Discussed: "She just winked at him...meaning they know something we don't! But what?"
  • Conversed: "Why does everyone wink in this show? Wouldn't it make an outsider suspicious?"
  • Implied: We don't see Alice's face, just her head from behind and a look of realization followed by a knowing nod from Bob.
  • Deconstructed: People can always tell when Alice lies since her winks give her away, so she becomes easy to bust.
  • Reconstructed: Alice devises a secret code only her friends know: she winks her left eye when she's telling the truth, and her right eye when she's lying. That way, her winking won't give her away as easily.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice puts her whole face into a massive wink, and still nobody else but Bob notices her doing it.
  • Played for Drama: Alice gets captured by the enemy, and shoots Bob a wink as she's dragged off to tell him she'll be okay.

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