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Playing With / Screw You, Elves!

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Basic Trope: A Superior Species is given a tongue-lashing.

  • Played Straight: Alix becomes sick and tired of Elves proclaiming themselves to always be purer, stronger, and in the right compared to other, more savage races, and denounces them accordingly, pointing out how their boasting and self-righteousness undermines being perfect in every way.
  • Exaggerated: Alix is so sick and tired of Elves proclaiming themselves to be superior in every shape and form that she not only challenges and defeats them in combat, but also points out how every single boast they made was so easily undermined. If they're so superior, then why would they lose so easily to a mere human like her?
  • Downplayed: Alix pints out that Elves are no more special than any other race when they see themselves as slightly better than others.
  • Justified: The Elves have grown complacent while continuing to proclaim their superiority, and they need to be brought down a few pegs.
  • Subverted: After one too many boasts, Alix approaches them and looks like she's going to call them out. Instead, she agrees with their assertions.
  • Double-Subverted: Then she sees them boast again, this time in a more asinine manner, and she chews them out over it.
  • Inverted:
  • Invoked: Some in the Elven community are disgusted at the rampant arrogance and pridefulness they display towards other racists, so they set things up so someone who won't stand for their behaviour arrives and helps to humble them.
  • Enforced: The writer wasn't a fan of the other trope.
  • Lampshaded: "Didn't think anyone would stand up to these arrogant folks!"
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz sees how having the Elves working with the humans and dwarves would undermine his plans, but he also sees how boastful and arrogant Elves can be. Thus, when the Elves are called out on it, they abandon the alliance, leaving all three kingdoms at his mercy.
  • Defied: The Elves shut Alix up before she can do this.
  • Played for Drama: The Elves dismiss Alix's accusations of constantly thinking themselves superior, but later it backfires, and they realise too late they should have listened.
