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Playing With / Race for Your Love

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Basic Trope: A climactic dash to get the love interest back.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob have been dancing around each other the whole movie, but fall out. As Alice prepares to fly out to her other love interest Charlie, Bob runs to the airport to win her back.
  • Exaggerated: Bob flies halfway around the world just to tell Alice she's pretty.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob meets Alice on the way to the airport.
    • Bob dashes out of his house, and across the front lawn, before Alice can board a cab and leave.
  • Justified: Bob really wants Alice back, as it's a matter of life or death.
  • Inverted: Bob rushes towards the airport to break up with Alice before she leaves.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob begins to run to the airport, but then realizes Alice's flight won't be for five hours, so he has time to wait.
    • Bob is seen running to get to Alice... because he's late picking her up from work, and the scene actually takes place after a time skip. They're now Happily Married.
  • Double Subverted:
    • He falls asleep waiting and then has to run anyway.
    • That was an Imagine Spot; Bob really is running to the airport.
  • Parodied: The TSA line has a special lane for "last-minute romantic gestures".
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Bob never tries to get Alice back, knowing he'll fail anyway.
  • Enforced: The writer initially planned to have Alice and Bob talk it out, but the executives say this isn't dramatic enough and want to see Bob race to win her love.
  • Lampshaded: "You really had to run all this way, Bob?!"
  • Invoked: Bob knows Alice is a romcom fan and deliberately waits until the last minute to make a Grand Romantic Gesture as she's about to leave.
  • Exploited: Alice sets it all up, knowing that she too is heartbroken and resorts to a cliche to actually win Bob back.
  • Defied: Bob doesn't want to wait until the last minute to get her back, and instead goes to her home well before she's supposed to leave to have a mature conversation.
  • Discussed: "Oh, wow, Bob, dashing to the airport to win Alice back? Straight out of a romantic comedy!"
  • Conversed: "Hey, you're watching Alice and Bob. What part are you on?" "The part where he runs to win her love at the airport, like every other romcom."
  • Deconstructed: Bob races across the airport to win Alice's love... and is arrested by airport security.
  • Reconstructed: Bob manages to talk his way out of severe charges and Alice is impressed he was willing to get arrested for her.

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