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Playing With / Photo Montage

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Basic Trope: A montage of photos, usually in the credits.

  • Straight:: The end credits showcases photos of the characters.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Even the villains pose with the heroes.
    • The entire movie is a photo montage.
  • Downplayed: The photo montage is relatively short and only includes a few key moments or characters.
  • Justified: The photo montage is justified by the story's context, such as being presented as a character's memories or a collection of important moments.
  • Inverted: Instead of showing actual photographs, the montage consists of animated or drawn images.
  • Subverted: The audience expects a photo montage, but instead, they are presented with a video montage or a different type of visual sequence.
  • Double Subverted: The montage starts as a video sequence but transitions into a photo montage.
  • Parodied: The movie ends with Alice at a Birthday Suit Surprise Party. The photos are of her still nude reluctantly posing with her friends.
  • Averted: The credits roll without any photo montage.
  • Defied: The characters actively refuse to participate in or be part of a photo montage, breaking the fourth wall to express their disdain for the trope.
  • Zig-Zagged: The story includes multiple instances of photo montages, some played straight, others parodied or subverted, creating a mix of different approaches to the trope.
  • Enforced: The production company specifically requests a photo montage to be included as a nostalgic element or as part of the marketing strategy.
  • Lampshaded: A character comments on the cliché or predictability of using a photo montage in the specific situation.
  • Discussed: The characters have a conversation about the purpose and significance of the photo montage in storytelling.
  • Conversed: The photo montage is brought up in a casual or unrelated conversation.
  • Invoked: A character actively organizes and arranges the photo montage, carefully selecting and placing each photograph for maximum impact.
  • Exploited: A character uses the photo montage as a way to manipulate or deceive others, altering or selecting specific photos to convey a false narrative.
  • Played for Laughs: The photo montage includes comedic or silly images, with exaggerated poses, funny expressions, or unexpected situations.
  • Played for Drama: The photo montage portrays emotionally significant moments or highlights the character's growth and development throughout the story.
  • Played for Horror: The photo montage takes a dark turn, revealing disturbing or unsettling images that evoke a sense of fear or unease.
  • Implied: The existence of a photo montage is suggested but not explicitly shown or described, leaving it up to the audience's interpretation.
  • Unparodied: The photo montage is used straightforwardly without any satirical or comedic twist.
  • Untwisted: The subversion of the photo montage that the audience expects does not occur, and the trope plays out as initially presented.
  • Deconstructed: The negative aspects or consequences of relying on a photo montage are explored, highlighting its limitations or shallowness as a storytelling device.
  • Reconstructed: The photo montage is deconstructed but ultimately presented in a positive light, emphasizing its emotional resonance and the meaningful connections it portrays.
