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Playing With / Perpetual Poverty

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Basic Trope: Characters get by without actually having anything.

  • Straight: The Five-Man Band lives poorly without much for supplies or food.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: The characters have enough money to live well and not worry about obtaining daily necessities, but have a few old debts that they're never able to fully pay off.
  • Justified: The Five-Man Band...
    • ... doesn't earn very much money when their real job is Saving the World.
    • ... earns plenty of money - but they have to spend a lot of it on necessities.
    • ... is really bad with finances and spend like a pack of dumbasses.
    • ... is notably thirfty, which allows them just enough to get by with their meager income.
    • ... lives in Wretched Hive where supplies always run out.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: The leader of them actually has quite a lot of money, but are saving it for important matters.
  • Double Subverted: The leader only claims to be squirreling the money away from them. They actually have close to nothing as they first thought.
  • Parodied: (Following Justification 3) The Five-Man Band gets loads of money with each work, but they spend it all like idiots (not even Brianna is safe from this) and end up dirt poor by the beginning of the next work.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes the band has Infinite Supplies, but other times the supplies just disappear and they're trying to scrape together bit by bit to survive.
  • Averted:
    • The characters have sufficient supplies and money at all times.
    • The characters do end up starving or running out of supplies as a consequence of being in poverty status for a long time.
  • Enforced: The audience can relate better to characters barely scraping by, some of the audience itself is probably barely scraping by.
  • Lampshaded: "We're trying to save the world but we live like college students!"
  • Invoked: The leader of the band thinks that the band of heroes should get used to living with little, so they ration their supplies.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The Five-Man Band starts charging for Saving the World.
  • Discussed: The Five-Man Band discusses what to do with their current situation while in a broken down but at least hospitable part of a shopping mall.
    Biff: Guys, should we consider turning to crime?
    Lance: At this point, I'd rather do anything than be forever broke.
    Brianna: I know a place where we can earn some money, and I'd love to-
    Bob: I don't know. Both Crime and Prostitution are bad ideas, but I see no other option.
  • Conversed: "How the hell are they still alive, let alone constantly Saving the World!? They're basically underneath the barrel at this point!"
  • Deconstructed:
    • The stress trying to survive and of being close to completely broke all the time is too much on the heroes and they end up homeless. However, due to being homeless, they strive further and further to try and make money by any means necessary.
    • Due to being perpetually poor, the team members part ways in search of money.
  • Reconstructed:
    • They then lose all their money again after spending it like a pack of dumbasses.
    • They regroup because they couldn't find jobs even alone, and decide that finding money together is much better than finding money alone.

We would be bringing you back to the main page, buuut... We don't have the money to buy it.
