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Playing With / Perp Walk

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Basic Trope: A character is arrested and made to walk past a group of onlookers.

  • Straight: After being arrested, Alice is perp-walked to a police car with her family, friends, and some news reporters watching on.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is stripped naked and forced to walk several kilometres to the police station in front of jeering crowds and news cameras live-streaming her humiliation.
  • Downplayed: Alice is given a bag to cover her face with.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is a smug Karma Houdini whose Karma Houdini Warranty just expired, with her arresting officers making her go through the perp walk as a form of catharsis for the trouble she's given them.
    • The police expects Vigilante Man Bob to make an attempt on Alice, so they deliberately perp-walk her as a lure for team B (or C) to catch him in flagrante delicto.
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: It looks like Alice is going to be made to walk past a group of onlookers, but the group instead walks away.
  • Double Subverted: ...Until one of them notices and points the spectacle out to their friends, causing them to start taking in the spectacle.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Parodied: ???
  • Averted: Alice is arrested and led out to a police car while no-one is around.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Vigilante Man Bob is aware that the cops will perp-walk Alice and wants her to pay for her crimes. He waits in the crowd for Alice to pass, then steps out and performs a Vigilante Execution on her.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice being perp-walked in front of the media causes her case to become a high-profile media circus, with the jury for her trial becoming prejudiced against her.
  • Reconstructed: ???
  • Implied: ???

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