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Playing With / Percent Damage Attack

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Basic Trope: An attack that always deals damage proportional to the target's current HP.

  • Straight: In Tales of Troperia XVI, the Warp Sword deals damage equal to 1/8 of the target's current HP.
  • Exaggerated: It deals damage equal 90% of the target's current HP.
  • Downplayed: It deals base damage equal to 1/8 of the target's current HP, but other factors including the wielder's strength and the target's defense factor into the final damage output.
  • Justified: The Warp Sword is specially crafted for City Guards so they can incapacitate criminals without actually killing them.
  • Inverted: Fixed Damage Attack
  • Subverted: Due to a bug, the Warp Sword deals damage equal to 1/8 of the target's max HP, making it far more effective.
  • Double Subverted: ...except against bosses, where this would be most useful.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: The Warp Sword deals base damage equal to 1/8 of the target's HP, however, so many other factors play into the actual damage calculation (the wielder's strength, Blade skills, the target's defense, the weather during the battle, etc. etc.) that it's actually very difficult to predict how much damage it will do.
  • Averted: No attacks in the game deal damage based on a percentage of the target's HP.
  • Enforced: The game is based on a book in which the party uses a Warp Sword to defeat a boss whose high defenses render it nigh immune to any other kind of attack, so the Warp Sword is included in the game.
  • Lampshaded: Party member Quirby comments upon the party using the Warp Sword for the first time "huh, weird how it can tell how much damage to do, almost like its based on some kind of "hit points"..."
  • Exploited:
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
