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Playing With / Patriotic Fervor

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Basic Trope: A character or outlet outwardly displays large amounts of loyalty to their nation.

  • Straight: Bob comes clad with the American flag and loves to talk positively about the United States.
  • Exaggerated: Bob lives & breathes red, white, & blue. He would even put his country before those he loves. He also loathes any country that isn't the US.
  • Downplayed: Bob has a favorable opinion of the US and sometimes dresses in American aesthetics, but it's not very strong, as he doesn't really feel an emotional connection.
  • Justified:
    • Bob was born and raised thinking that this was the truest way to show patriotism.
    • Bob has been put through a scenario where this nationalism is used as a defense mechanism.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob goes out of his way to slam the USA at every chance he gets, such as by burning the US flag.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob is often seen putting other nations down on low pedestals, but doesn't really have much great to say about the US.
    • Bob likes doing this with many other countries, or he's doing it as part of playing a character.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob would still give you many reasons on why the US is the greatest country in the world.
    • Bob's character is autobiographical.
  • Parodied: Bob is seen dating a blow up doll of George Washington, will only buy products that are draped in nationalism, and serves up deep-fried bacon & multi-berry cakes decorated like the Star Spangled Banner at every event.
  • Zig Zagged: While Bob more than loves his country, he does criticize its various policies, as he feels it's his duty to help his country grow past its issues..
  • Averted: Bob doesn't care too much about his nation, or holds a moderate respect.
  • Enforced: This is a propaganda work, and the writers needed a figure to push as an example of either someone to aspire to or someone to dread.
  • Lampshaded: "Man, if could marry America, I sure would!"
  • Invoked: Bob's positive speech on various vague but desirable qualities of a nation lead to chants of "USA! USA!"
  • Exploited: Bob realizes that he can get away with doing anything in the name of the US. As long as he brands it as patriotic, someone will always defend him.
  • Defied: "I'm tired of the fetish these people have for this country! It almost makes me hate it!"
  • Discussed: "You ever wonder why our country means so much to Bob?"
  • Conversed: "Strange how Bob feels like someone I know in real life.
  • Implied: Bob is seen favoring stores all about being "Made in America", and talks fondly about many patriotic figures. He also employs various positive images of his country onto himself.

My fellow Americans, please return to Patriotic Fervor.
