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Playing With / Palette Swap

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Basic Trope: Swapping colors from an existing sprite graphic to make a second one.

  • Straight: Stantwo, the standard enemy, has a more durable counterpart known as Stanthree. Stanthree is visually identical to Stantwo, but is orange instead of blue.
  • Exaggerated: Sector O is an orange recolor of Sector B, with Stantwos replaced by Stanthrees.
  • Downplayed: Stanthrees are a Head Swap of Stantwos.
  • Justified: The Stanthrees are refurbished Stantwos. Just swap in some new parts and add a fresh coat of paint and they're good as new!
  • Inverted: Like Stantwos, Stanthrees are blue, but the two otherwise have zero visual similarities.
  • Subverted: A glimpse of the first Stanthree is seen at the edge of the screen. Though seemingly an orange Stantwo, as the rest of the model is revealed, only the head is the same.
  • Double Subverted: However, it turns out that all Stanthrees carry an orange Stantwo within - you just wouldn't know without breaking one open.
  • Parodied: Stanzero is a gray being looking to make all things in the world be a recolor of themself, even the individual atoms.
  • Zig-Zagged: Conglomabot is made up of recolored parts from various mooks.
  • Averted: Every character has a distinctive appearance and no character wears a recolor of their other outfits.
  • Enforced: Stantwo is a playable character in a multiplayer game. If Stanthree is the same color, the game will become very confusing to play.
  • Lampshaded: "Really? An Orange Stantwo? Out of ideas already?"
  • Invoked: The makers of the Stanthree use the Stantwo as a basis to save time and storage space.
  • Exploited: A Stanthree paints itself blue to trick the player into thinking it will be an easier enemy.
  • Defied: The maker of Stantwos starts from scratch for Stanthrees, citing originality.
  • Discussed: "These enemies are dangerous. You can tell by the new color."
  • Conversed: "Game developers recoloring similar enemies to save on time is fine by me, but when we get to Stanhundred, that's crossing a line."

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