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Playing With / Offscreen Moment of Awesome

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Basic Trope: A Moment of Awesome...that isn't shown to the audience.

  • Straight: Fred does something really cool, but all you get to see is his friends pointing out how cool the thing Fred did was.
  • Exaggerated: You don't even get to see the build-up to the cool thing.
  • Downplayed: You get to see the beginning and middle of the really cool thing Fred does, but then his friends point out how awesome the end of it was.
  • Justified:
    • Fred's friends were so amazed by the cool thing that they couldn't stop talking about it.
    • The show is from the POV of Tom, who wasn't there to see the cool thing Fred did.
  • Inverted:
    • You're shown the really cool thing Fred does, yet none of his friends thought it was cool.
    • Offscreen Moment of Suck: Fred does something really lame, yet all you see is his friends complaining about it.
  • Subverted: Cue Cutaway Gag to Fred doing the cool thing.
  • Double Subverted: ...that cuts off before peak awesomeness.
  • Parodied: Fred's friends even talk about the popcorn they were eating while watching the cool thing.
  • Zig Zagged: Fred did a cool thing off screen. Later on, someone aks what happened, and we get to see Fred doing something awesome in flashback. Then someone interrupts. "No, not that thing, THE THING!" Fred blinks. "Oh, jeez, I don't have time to tell you about that. I'd need hours. And a few beers."
  • Averted: You get to see the cool thing that Fred does.
  • Enforced: None of the writers or directors could make the scene live up to the hype, so they settled for the next best thing.
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, you had to be there to see it!"
  • Invoked: Before doing the really cool thing, Fred warns the viewer that it could get messy, prompting a cut to after it's over.
  • Exploited: Fred points out that he's much better at doing the thing when other people aren't watching.
  • Defied: Fred records the cool thing he does on video so that he can show others the cool thing he did after it's over.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "I don't understand why they cut out the good stuff in that scene..."
  • Implied: Fred is carrying an Ace Custom weapon from an Elite Mook, which he uses in battle very effectively as The Enemy Weapons Are Better. No one ever mentioned how he got it, but there's only so many ways he could have...
  • Deconstructed: Clyde is disappointed because he actually wasn't there to see the events unfold.
  • Reconstructed: Fred promises to take Clyde next time he tries to do a cool thing.

You should've seen how cool that Offscreen Moment of Awesome was!
